Genesis Chapter 1

Heavenly Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters reading this right now. I pray that you fill them with the love, that you give to us. I pray that you fill them with the spirit of joy and gratitude. Gratitude for all the things you have put in place for them and their purposes. Heavenly Father, I pray you continue to surround them with patience, in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. As we have dived into a few different chapters, I thought it would be a good idea, to start at the beginning. Sometimes we don’t enjoy reflecting back to the beginning of our journey, but God’s journey was a beautiful one. Through his love and patience, he put so much thought into his creation. Every time I feel rain and see the rainbow, the stars, the ocean and mountains, they fill me with so much gratitude, that we have such an amazing God, who put these into place, just for us.

It definitely took time and consideration, so we will dive into the Old Testament and will read Genesis Chapter 1. If you're ready, lets visit, the history of God’s creation.

Day one

Genesis Chapter 1, verses 1- 5

In these verses, we see the incredible moment when God creates the Earth. I often in awe at how He could envision something so beautiful from nothing and craft it in such beautiful detail. But He did it – He really did.

When there was only darkness, His spirit hovered over the void, and He brought forth light. This light is not just physical; it's a powerful source of healing and peace, especially in moments of uncertainty.

In this passage, we read about God creating light and naming it "day," and calling the darkness "night." This marked the first day of His magnificent creation.

Day Two

Genesis Chapter 1, verses 6-8

Here, we see that God creates the Heavens. Isn’t it amazing to witness the power of water being separated? From the rain in the sky to the vast oceans below, it’s truly a wonder.

When I think about Heaven, I imagine Angels floating in peace and serenity. Even when flying on a plane, I often wonder what it would be like to touch the clouds. The sky looks so perfect and still, and it fills me with awe to see the excellent division between Heaven and Earth. This magnificent separation was the work of the second day of His creation.

Day Three

Genesis Chapter 1, verses 9- 13

It just keeps getting better! Here, we see God adding more to His creation. He brought forth dry ground, which He called Land, and gathered the waters, naming them Seas. But He didn’t stop there.

God wanted the land to be full of life, so He created all kinds of vegetation, planting every type of seed that would grow into plants and trees. Isn’t that thoughtful? As these began to sprout, God was pleased with this stage of creation. This marked the third day of His marvelous work.

Day Four

Genesis Chapter 1, verses 14- 18

When you look at the sun rising, the moon and the stars, how do they make you feel? When I see the light that illuminates in the night sky, it brings a smile to my face. It’s a truly beautiful sight and it just reminds me of strength; because with every dark moment, there will always be a twinkle of hope that shines through.

Here, we see how God brings forth two lights; the separation of day from the night, which would reflect the changes of the days, years and seasons. We also see, how God made the stars! I have never seen a star close up, but can imagine it’s power and beauty, because they definitely take over the night! So, we see that the sun, the moon and the stars, marks the fourth day of God’s creation.


Genesis Chapter 1, verses 20- 23

What’s life on Earth without creatures? Well God, thought about that too! He made creatures that could live in the sea and on land and he also made creatures that could fly! Look how charming and interesting they look and feel! From the fishes, to lizards, to the butterflies, God has made so many types of creatures and blessed them all, to be fruitful and multiply among the the seas and the Earth. These special creatures, marks the fifth day of God’s creation.

Day Six

Genesis Chapter 1, verses 24- 31

God wanted to bring forth more living creatures to the Earth, so he created a beast of the Earth and every kind of animal, with a uniqueness about them. Here, we also read that God made the first human, a man created in the likeness and in the image of God and out of this man, God made a woman. He breathed life and love into them and blessed them to be fruitful and to multiply the Earth. What’s so amazing to see here, is that God put everything in place so that the man and the woman, wouldn’t even have to ask for anything. (From the seeds that would bear plants and fruits, to the cattle) he cared for them, before they were even formed. So the animals and the humans, marks the sixth day of God’s creation.

Day Seven

Genesis Chapter 2, verses 2-3

God added the finishing touches to His creation of Heaven and Earth. Honestly, I am speechless at all the beauty and necessities He has provided for us! After completing His magnificent work, God deserved a rest. So, He sanctified the seventh day, making it a day of rest, peace, and gratitude for all He has done.

When I reflect on His goodness and all that He has done, is doing, and will do, I am thankful to have a faithful and eternal Father who gives us so much and more.

Brothers and Sisters, I hope you enjoyed travelling with me through the history of God’s creation. May you embrace everything that you have, because it all comes from love. xx




Genesis Chapter 2
