Genesis Chapter 16

Heavenly Father, as I come before you today. I thank you for my brothers and sisters, reading this right now. I pray that you place yourself in the midst of everything trial and challenges that may come their way. I pray that you break down the walls of impossibilities and restore it with opportunities and possibilities. May they be abundant in every area of their lives, that they need you touch, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 16.

Sarai and Hagar

Genesis Chapter 16, verses 1-3

Following on from the last chapter, we are constantly reminded how God's promise, regarding Abram’s descendants will unfold, in his timing and they will be (biological) heirs of Abram.

So now going forward in Chapter 16, it jumps in straight away, to inform us that Abram's wife Sarai has not bared him any children. So what does she do?

Sarai tells Abram, that God is preventing her from having children. Therefore she decides that the way forward, is for her handmaid (named Hagar), is to conceive for her, with her husband Abram.

Abram listened to his Sarai and after ten years of living in the land of Canaan, he took Hagar as his second wife. He didn't try to talk Sarai out of her idea and he didn't try to speak to God about the situation, so we'll see where this decision will lead them.

When we read these verses, we're shown that Sarai has no faith in God. After how far he's brought Abram and the promises he has kept, you'd think there be more hope in what he could do. God’s timing is not our own and Sarai couldn't wait a little longer, to see God's work unfold.

Genesis Chapter 16, verses 4-6

Abram goes into the bed of Hagar and (we're not told the time frame of acknowledgement) but we know that Hagar conceives. However, when Hagar conceives, she looks at Sarai, as if she's worthless, below her and insignificant, because of infertility at this time.

Despite the idea (speeding up the process of having a child) being Sarai’s in the first place, now, that she sees Hagar's heart isn't in the right place, she blames Abram for his actions and declares that God be the judge of them both, for the situation that has raised.

However, Abram tells Sarai that Hagar, is still under her full authority and therefore, she can deal with her, as she pleases. We're not told exactly what went down between Sarai and Hagar, but whatever it was, it caused Hagar to flee.

We're reminded, that sometimes we can rush into decisions (our own decisions or those from others, without realising the emotions and the consequences that may arise from them. If God is not in the plan, then his plans for us is not aligned. We see this through Sarai and Abram. Sarai had little hope and trust in God as she was barren for years and that caused her to make a decision (unaware of what the outcome could be: mentally and emotionally) that it's caused guilt, jealousy and bitterness, to flow between herself and Abram.

Genesis Chapter 16, verses 7- 10

As we know from the verses above, Hagar fled from Sarai because of the harsh mistreatment she received and now as we read on, we see that an Angel finds Sarai, by a spring of water in the wilderness (the spring on the way to Shur). The Angel questions her, on her in and outgoings and she tells the Angel, how she is fleeing from her Mistress Sarai.

What does the Angel advise? The Angel of the Lord, advises Hagar to go back to Sarai and submit to her and her doing so, her descendants (offsprings) will greatly multiplied, that they will be uncountable.

Who is the Angel of the Lord? We are not given a full overview of who the Angel of the Lord is, but when we hear the promise that is fulfilled above, we would see this Angel of the Lord, as Christ himself, in physical form (also known as theophany).

This promise to Hagar, is also the same as the promises that were made to Abram. Sometimes in life, we can run away from places and people who have mistreated us, and sometimes our decisions may have put us in an awkward situation.

However, God reminds us, that with him by our sides and with his faithfulness; the places and people that have caused us hurt, could be the places and people, which enables us to thrive, to rise and to elevate in our purposes.

Genesis Chapter 16, verses 11- 12

In the verses above, we're aware that Hagar will have a numerous amount of offsprings, in which they will be uncountable. Continuing from that promise: the Angel of the Lord confirms to Hagar, that she is pregnant and that she will give birth to a son and she is to name him Ishmael (Meaning God hears).

We have a merciful and loyal God, who sees and hears all. From our silent cries to our heartfelt releases through prayer, God knows how to turn our situations around. He is a God of his word and he is with us wherever we go. He wants us to lean on his shoulders and his promises, because his goodness and his mercy endures forever. We see the reflection of his image in the verse below “Because the Lord has heard and paid attention to your persecution (suffering)”.

However, we will also notice, that God's way is not always the way we would want things to occur in our lives. Here, we see that Ishmael conceived by Hagar. (The first son to born by Abram) Although this is not the way, God intended to fulfill his promise to Abram. However, Ishmael, will not be someone that fits into the community. He is going to become wild and someone who be against everyone and everyone against him and even a man who will disobey his own brothers. Although God knows the man Ishmael is going to become, he still has love in his heart, to bring him into his world.

Genesis Chapter 16, verses 13- 16

How blessed and overwhelmed must Hagar be, by the prophecy she has received regarding her son Ishmael? Knowing she is due to give birth to a Son, yet knowing the character and way of life, that is going to come upon him. We can see her astonishment, after she calls upon the name of God, (calling him “You are God Who Sees”). For through her time in the wilderness, God remained with her, with understanding and compassion. He saw her; through her moments of mistreatment and abandonment and he looked after her and she was allowed to see him, by the well called Beer-lahai-roi (Well of the Living One Who Sees Me); which is between Kadesh (southern border of, Canaan and the Kingdom of Judah in the kingdom of Israel) and Bered (south of Palestine, near the well Lahairoi).

Some months later, Hagar gave birth to Abram’s son; and Abram named his son, to whom Hagar gave birth, Ishmael (God hears). Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar gave birth to Ishmael. Wow, is that not a true blessing! To be a Father at eighty-six years old, God truly has been a way-maker, miracle worker and promise keeper to Abram!.


This chapter, has truly opened my eyes, to how amazing God really is! Sometimes we can feel that we are not worthy enough to receive his love, because of our decisions and choices, that is not of God or what he asked us to do. However, God reminds us that we are human and yes we go through the ups and downs, we go through the highs and the lows. We go through murky waters and sometimes we hit a roadblock, but he constantly shows us, that he sees everything we have gone through and have tried to tackle on our own, yet he will never leave us. Hagar, is the perfect example, of receiving God’s unconditional and unfailing love.

I am filled with some much gratitude for having God in my life. I am not perfect, but to know I am in the presence of God’s grace; enables me to be filled with a spirit of strength and courage. To know God wants the best for me; fills me with so much awe and joy. To know God’s promises never fails; fills me with so much hope and faith. To have that relationship with God; that spiritual connection, is a truly divine.

Whenever you feel lost and alone; talk to God, fellowship with him, pray to him and with him. You will feel his presence and you will feel his peace and strength surround you. Life can be hard, but let go and let God, move on your behalf.

I hope you are being blessed, by the word of God!

If you have anything to share with me, then let me know in the comments.

Catch you back here soon Xx




Genesis Chapter 15