Genesis Chapter 13

Heavenly Father, as I come before you today. I thank you for my brothers and sisters reading this right now. I pray that you touch their lives and bless them abundantly; in their careers, in their homes, in their finances and their health. May every word they write and speak, be a blessing to others, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 13.


Genesis Chapter 13, verse 1-5

Carrying on from chapter 12, we see that Abram continues on his path, just as God had planned for him, despite his deception in the previous chapter. He leaves Egypt; with his wife, their belongings and his nephew Lot and travels into Negev (the South country of Judah).

As God promised, Abram was blessed abundantly (he is extremely wealthy in livestock, in silver and in gold). God provides for him (even through Pharaoh, in which is where he obtained his riches from, when he gave up his wife Sarai). No matter where he went or how much Abram went against God, God still protected him.

Next, Abram journeys from Negev and goes on, as far as Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai. This is where Abram worshipped and called out to God. To worship God from the heart, allows us to be vulnerable for him and with him. The heart of worship, can never be measured against anyone else, it's an intimate bond between and individual and God and the worship from Abram, enabled him to learn more about God.

Here, we learn that Lot (Abram's nephew) also has flocks and herds and tents of his own. It doesn't mention, how he came to these, but as we already learnt: God promised to bless all those who were with Abram.

These verses reminds us, of the wonders and the beauty of God's grace. Even when we fall far away from God, he never leaves us. He may not intervene to allow us to grow, but he will be there to pick us up and guide us, when he knows is right.

Genesis Chapter 13, verse 6-7

As we read in the verses above; God's blessings for Abram extends unto Lot, who is also wealthy. However due to both Lot and Abram having so much riches and to the amount of resources they both are able to retrieve, the land can not support them.

Not only could the land no longer support Abram and Lot, but it shows us that God's blessing was so big, that it causes arguments amongst Abram's herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen, regarding the livestock (where the Canaanite and the Perizzite were living in the land at that same time) and a division between Abram and Lot.

This just shows us, that sometimes when God promises to bless us abundantly and exceedingly, we have to be prepared for it, because sometimes we can underestimate, the power of what God can do.

Genesis Chapter 13, verse 8-11

These verses shows us the importance of family. Abram doesn’t want any strife with his nephew Lot and suggests that they should separate from each other.

However, we can see Abram’s generous gesture, when he gives Lot a chance to choose which direction he would like to go and which land he would like to claim. Lot chooses to go East in the valley of Jordan (where it was well watered and prone to drought), before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and they depart.

From the relationship they have built, we can that Abram and Lot are very close, so Abram deciding to take action very quickly, would resolve the commotion among their servants and it also shows his love for Lot.

It reminds us, that yes family do have quarrels and sometimes in order to mend and restore what might get broken, is time apart from one another, so we can really think about the value of being a family. Sometimes when we inherit riches, it can change our mindsets, our responsibilities and even our character, so allowing one another to travel on their own journey, can bring a time of reflection, on who and what means the most to us.

Genesis Chapter 13, verse 12-13

As we read in the previous verses, Abram and Lot departed from one another, to resolve the issue of the quarrels among their servants and in order to keep their relationship well protected and to have their own land, where they can live freely. Now we see, that Abram settles in the land of Canaan (which is associated with the promised land) because this is the land that God gave Abraham’s descendants, while Lot settles among the cities of the valley (where it is well watered- enough for what his flocks needs) and moves his tent as far as Sodom.

However, as we already read in Chapter 13, verse 10 (the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) Lot, already knew that his choice wasn’t 100% wise. Why is this? We can see that the men of Sodom, were not Godly at all, they were wicked in their ways, causing them to sin against God. So what will this mean for Lot?

These verses just reminds us that; although there are things that may seem good in our eyes and at the time best for us, when we don’t seek God in our decisions, then the direction we choose to go in and the places we end up in, may not be where we should be, but it will always give us a lesson.

Genesis Chapter 13, verse 14-17

We know that we have a great and wonderful God, and he continues to proves his love and that his word, never fails.

As we read previously, after Lot chose to go East, Abram settles in Canaan. After Lot goes, God instructs Abram, to look around from the land, where he is standing. We know that Abram could look up freely, but rather than seeing what's around him, through his own lens, we can see his trust growing and submits to God's instruction.

Abram must feel so overwhelmed with gratitude, because God just keeps on blessing him. How does he do it this time? God gives Abram and his descendants the land of Canaan. However, what's powerful here, is that God describes the descendants as dust of the earth and countable as grains of dust (if you recall from genesis 1, man- Adam: was formed from dust) so God is signifying the importance of every human being, whom he creates. Because, how do we count grains of dust? That reference is only something God understands!

Genesis Chapter 13, verse 18

‭‭So after God instructs Abram, to walk around the land, Abram moves his tent, and settles by the Terebinths (oak trees) of Mamre (the Amorite), in Hebron, and there he built an altar to honor the Lord, through his worship, just like he did before. It's amazing to see Abram's spiritual growth, as he continues to seek and trust in the Lord, in every journey he has to embark on. God says and God delivers, he kept his promises to Abram and has provided, protected and blessed him exceedingly and abundantly.


Chapter 13, reminds me of the beauty and the importance to be under Gods grace and favor. When we choose to let go and let God help us and direct us, we'll wonder what all the worrying was about. It's easier said than done, but God constantly reminds us through the words that he will never leave nor forsake us. That we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. That we are fearfully and wonderfully made. He lets us know that, we have a purpose and we are here to thrive and rise, according to his plans over our lives and the promises he has laid upon us.

It also reminds me that, when we are still (even in the chaos) and we listen to his voice for directions, then we'll understand that through the tests and trials, that come our way, God has been and will always make a way for us, to overcome and conquer. We may not receive what we seek straight away, but we will receive it, in abundance and in God's perfect timing.

If you have anything to share with me, then let me know in the comments.

Catch you back here soon Xx



Genesis Chapter 14


Genesis Chapter 12