Genesis Chapter 15

Heavenly Father, as I come before you today. I thank you for my brothers and sisters, reading this right now. I pray that you fill them with love, joy and prosperity. May they be fruitful in every area of their lives. May abundance be their portion and may blessings overflow, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 15.

Abram promised a Son

Genesis Chapter 15, verse 1

God keeps on reminding us; that as long as we keep him at the forefront and at the centre of everything we do, he will never leave, nor forsake us.

He reminds us that, our blessings also come from listening and obeying his word, because sometimes we stumble and tend to things by ourselves and by our own will. However, when we bounce back and recognize the importance and power of God's Grace in our lives, our willingness to change and accept him will over our lives, will surely make him proud of us.

Here, in the first verse: we're shown straight away, that because of Abram's obedience to God's will, he is going to be blessed even more than he has been already. We also see a word of comfort to Abram, as he is reminded that he doesn't have to be afraid of what's going on around him, because God has always been and will continue to be his shield and his fortress.

What a wonderful place it is to be, under the careful wings of God.

Genesis Chapter 15, verses 2-4:

Abram sounds so bold here, when he asks God, what his reward is going to be, but really he's being curious respectfully. We've seen over the chapters how Abram has done everything and have gone to places at God’s requests, without questioning his journey, but now we see that Abram is becoming more comfortable with being open with God.

That is a beautiful relationship to have, for Matthew Chapter 7, verse 7 reads: Ask and keep on asking and it will be given to you; seek and keep on seeking and you will find; knock and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. God reminds us, that he is our Heavenly Father and he would like us to speak to him freely and to open our hearts to him always.

Abram is getting on in age and is without a child, he is feeling weary, that he has no one to pass his legacy onto, but his question to God, is in faith and hope and what does God do? He delivers on his promise, for he confirms to Abram that he will have a heir, in whom will come directly from Abram (as a biological son). Oh how precious!

Genesis Chapter 15, verses 5-6

Imagine being told to count the number of stars? You'd think, you could never do that right? But Abram didn't even second guess or question God's instructions, especially as God promised that his descendants shall come directly from Abram and the fruitfulness of his loins, shall be uncountable. Oh what a blessing!

Although God knew he wouldn't be able to, (count the stars, if you're able to) Abram accepted the command, with a faithful heart, because his trust in God, was far more important. For he has been brought this far, by the word and the will of God. So who was he, to deny the power of God's grace?

Abram is reminded again, that his obedience and his willingness to be; faithful, to listen and to accept God in all that he does, are the most valuable and beautiful ways, to be righteous before God.

Genesis Chapter 15, verses 7-9

Again, how brave is Abram becoming? God has already proven to Abram, the things that he can do. God also reminds Abram, how he took him out of The Chaldeans, to the place he is now and promises to that Abram will inherit the land.

However, Abram again asks, how God is going to make it happen, because he can not see this vision right now. Although he's trusting God and holding on to his faith, he still wants that reassurance.

So what does God do? God, lists a few animals in which, he instructs Abram to bring to him; A three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.

When I researched the significance of the number three, it reflects completeness, wisdom, understanding and wholeness. Therefore, it shows us that Abram doing what is instructed, will surely have a positive outcome and that what he desires should come to reality, through God's will and way.

Genesis Chapter 15, verses 10-11

Abram of course, obeyed God’s commands and brought the five animals as requested. Him doing so, gave him further reassurance that God's promises will unfold and he will inherit the land as told.

He then took these animals, and divided them and laid each piece one against another. However, we see that he did not divide the birds and when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away. But why did he not divide the birds? And why did he drive the fowls away?

Well, often animals are used as a sacrifice (which symbolises Abram’s commitment to God, so that the promise made, may not be broken). However, when taking up this kind of sacrifice, God requires clean animals (healthy and unblemished) to ensure that the sacrifice is worthy and wholesome and therefore Abram has to drive away the fowls which he did not capture and made fresh before God. So he was doing his best to ensure, that he actioned the commands, to continue receiving the grace from God.

Genesis Chapter 15, verses 12-13

From verse 5-6, that when God instructed Abram to count the stars, that the night was closing in. Here in verses 12-13, we see that the sun starts to set, however, as this occurs, Abram is feeling overpowered by a deep sleep and possibly supernaturally, as a sense of darkness clouds him.

We have seen over the many verses, that God's promise to Abram, will not be broken and here, God tells Abram that his offspring shall be a stranger, who will be living in a land, that is not theirs and for four hundred years, they will be mistreated.

Surely Abram must have some confusion about what's the unfold, but God stands on his promises. Regarding Abram's descendants, they will come, according to God's plans and timing, over Abram's life.

Genesis Chapter 15, verses 14-16

In life, we question the people who we have in our lives. We question their actions towards us and vice versa. Sometimes we'll never understand that connection, but God will always ensure there is a purpose to every relationship.

Here, in these verses God tells Abram that there will be an end to the captivity, and the nation that mistreated them will be judged by God and further to this, they will come out of it, with great worth and value.

We also get to understand, that through everything that is yet to unfold, God comfortingly tells Abram that he will not be here, as he will descend off into the Heavenly Kingdom at a good age and in peace. How beautiful is that? For God to let us know that when he calls us, we will go in peace. His peace is truly amazing and can not be compared to anything else and that must have touched Abram in such a heartfelt way.

Abram is then told, that the fourth generation of his descendants, will return to the land of Canaan as promised. We know that God sees and hears all. He knows what was, what is and what is yet to come and he knows that the Amorites, have still not finished with their wicked ways, so until the return to the land of the Canaan will be delayed but will still unfold, according to God’s will.

Genesis Chapter 15, verses 17-21

It's amazing to see that we're not really given times of the day throughout, but at specific events we're given some details, as we're told that the sun had gone down and as this happens, there's a sense of darkness that appears, which shows us that Abram is going through a revelation.

Again, it's not confirmed whether this is Abram’s reality or a vision, but; a smoking brazier and a flaming torch which passed between the divided pieces of the animals, appears. This signifies the holy presence and confirmation of God’s covenant with Abraham. Also known as the Abrahamic Covenant, because God promised great blessings to Abraham and his family. These blessings, which extend to all of Abraham's descendants.

On the same day, God’s covenant is established and his promise to Abram, starts with his descendants being given the land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates (the land of) the Kenites and the Kenizzites and the Kadmonites, the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Girgashites and the Jebusites.

It's such a beautiful reminder here, that God reminds us, that his promises will always stand and will always come to pass, no matter what Abram or his descendants do or not do, for this covenant was more to with God's work, rather than Abram’s work. It's amazing because God shows us, that as long as we remain faithful and righteous, there's so much he can give to us on Earth, but more so, in eternity.


This chapter has truly blessed me! It fills me with so much joy, to know I have a Heavenly Father who watches over me. Sometimes in life, we lose the ones we love and a void is there, but in the presence of God, there’s a comfort that can never be taken away.

Just as Abram trusted in God, it shows me that, that is all God wants from us. To believe in him, to trust in him and to seek him always in whatever we do and wherever we go. We’re human and we can be stubborn (which God is already aware of, as he knows us inside out) but he would also like us to put our emotions aside, so we can allow ourselves, to listen to him clearly.

Reflecting on myself, I know that I can allow my emotions to direct me, instead of me taking charge of them, but once I become still and think about the goodness of God, then I realize that; his unconditional love, his patience, his mercy and his promises are so much more important, that what I am going through, because what is ahead of me, is far more greater.

God’s promises never fails and he wants to bless you, more than you know, so I pray that you keep in close and may he be the safe haven you need.

I hope you are being blessed, by the word of God!

If you have anything to share with me, then let me know in the comments.

Catch you back here soon Xx




Genesis Chapter 16


Genesis Chapter 14