Genesis Chapter 14

Heavenly Father, as I come before you today. I thank you for my brothers and sisters, reading this right now. I pray that you touch the Kings of the Earth. May you cover them from the crowns of their heads, to the sole of their feet, as you guide them with your grace. May wisdom, knowledge and leadership overflow in their lives, as they lead their family and friends with love, with positivity and prosperity. May you remind your Sons, that they are royalty, as they have to Son of Christ within them. Whenever they feel down and disregarded, may your love and mercy uplift them and strengthen them as they continue to work according to the plans you have for them, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 14.

War of the Kings

Genesis Chapter 14, verses 1-3

As we dive into chapter 14 of Genesis, we are introduced to a few Kings, as they battle and invade the land of Canaan. (Jordan Valley)

So who are these Kings?

The Eastern Kings; Amraphel of Shinar, Arioch of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer of Elam and Tidal of Goiim, made war with Bera King of Sodom, Birsha King of Gomorrah, Shinab King of Admah, Shemeber King of Zeboiim, and the King of Bela.

However, we see that although they made war against one another, they also come together (as allies) in the Valley of Siddim (also known as, the Sea of Salt).

Sometimes life will show us, that the power of unity, of common ground and understanding, can arise when; enemies become allies or when strangers becomes friends. When there's a purpose, there's a will.

Genesis Chapter 14, verses 4-6

However, life can also show us that; although we may follow people because of their power; it doesn't mean, that the vision we have for ourselves, will arise through their leadership. We'll read in the following verses, just how long the war went on for, with these Kings.

Here, we read that the Kings served Chedorlaomer (the most powerful king), but in the thirteenth year they rebelled against him.

In the fourteenth year, Chedorlaomer and the Kings, attacks and subdues the following Canaanites Cities.

  • The Rephaim in Ashteroth-karnaim: Known as an ancient race of giants, in the Land of Canaan.

  • The Zuzim in Ham: Also known as the Zuzites, are a tribe who lived in Ham, in the Land East of the Jordan River.

  • The Emim in Shaveh-kiriathaim: Also known as the plain of Kiriathaim.

  • The Horites in their mountainous country of Seir, as far as El-paran, which is on the border of the wilderness.

As humans, there is only so much we can take under someone else's authority and sometimes that is a battle within itself. (To be led by someone else). But when God knows it's time for us to change positions, he will create a way, to turn it around.

‭‭Genesis Chapter 14, verses 7-10

The three Kings, after defeating those in their paths; from the East coast of the Jordan River, to the wilderness and to En-mishpat (that is, Kadesh- Southern Border of Canaan), they conquer all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites who lived in Hazazon-tamar.

We are reminded again of how the Kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim and Bela), become allies and fought against Chedorlaomer king of Elam, Tidal king of Goiim, Amraphel king of Shinar and Arioch king of Ellasar (four Kings against five).

Although we're not given any insight into the battle itself, we can see that in the aftermath of it, they battle in the Valley of Siddim, which became full of tar (bitumen) pits and as the Kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, they fell into the pit and the remainder of the Kings, who survived fled to the hill country.

God, reminds us that; sometimes the battles we face may be hard and seem like they're never ending. We may go in circles, but at some point, that cycle will soon have to end.

Genesis Chapter 14, verses 11-12

After the victorious Kings found their way safely, they take all the possessions of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their food supply and provisions. However, they also take captive Lot, (if you remember, he is Abram’s nephew) and his possessions and then left.

As we already are aware from Chapter 13 (God promised to bless Abram and his family and those who do good, but he will also curse those, who dishonor Abram), so now that Lot has been taken captive, it provides another opportunity for God’s faithfulness to be revealed to Abram.

Genesis Chapter 14, verses 13-16

‭‭Sometimes in life, we will always have someone there to uplift us, encourage us or free us. God will always have someone in place, to show us the way, whether or not, we'll notice that at the time.

As we read in the verses above, there were survivors from the battle that arose in Jordan, and thankfully one survivor came and told Abram (who was now living by the terebinths, owned by Mamre the Amorite, with the brother of Eshcol and brother of Aner. (Both whom are allies of Abram). However, in this verse we notice that Abram is referred to as the “Hebrew”, which shows he is an outcast, in his current location.

We also know, the relationship between Abram and Lot, was very strong and there was this bond between them that was beautiful and instead of allowing that to break, they went their separate ways. However, that doesn't mean they didn't still care about one another and this is evident in Abram's actions, when he heard Lot had been captured. So what did he do?

Abram armed and led out his trained men who grew up his in household (around three hundred and eighteen) went to pursue Chedorlaomer's army, as far as Hobah (North of Damascus).

Abram managed to bring back all the goods that were taken from the people of Canaan, along with his nephew Lot and his possessions, and also the women, and the people.

Through this chase and battle, we have to remember that Abram is not a young man anymore! But his strength, his favor and the grace placed upon him, comes from God, we just reflects the beauty and the power of God's love and faithfulness. God promised to bless those who bless Abram and curse those who dishonor Abram and as Chedorlaomer's army took Lot, again proves God, never backs down on his promises.

Abram and Melchizedek

Genesis Chapter 14, verses 17-20

It must have been a wonderful reunion between Abram and Lot but a privilege for Abram, to really understand how blessed he is and how his blessing extends to his family.

So after Abram’s return from the defeat of Chedorlaomer and the Kings, we read in the next verses, how everything starts to come for Abram.

  • First, the King of Sodom goes out to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh.

  • Next, Melchizedek King of Salem (which means King of Peace) mentioned as the Priest of God Most High, brings our bread and wine.

God uses, Melchizedek to bless Abram and does so, by saying “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator and Possessor of heaven and earth, and blessed, praised, and glorified be God Most High, Who has given your enemies into your hand.”

It's a beautiful thing to see that, God will put people in our way, to bless us. His authority doesn't waver, but his unconditional and unfailing love, provides a way, for us to have an abundant life.

And we see that Abram returns his gratitude and blessing, by giving Melchizedek a tenth of all the treasure he had taken in battle. This shows us Abram's gratitude, but also his growth in faith and his humility and humbleness.

Genesis Chapter 14, verses 21-24

Abram's loyalty and obedience to God shines wonderfully here. We see that he stands his ground, when the King of Sodom, tries to demands that Abram gives up his people and their goods.

After receiving his blessing (through Melchizedek) from God, Abram makes it clear to the King of Sodom, that all his has, is not from his own doing. He didn't want to take credit for his wealth or for victory over his enemies, so he made sure, to clarify that all he has received, is from the grace and mercy of God.


When we've overcome a battle, isn't it such a wonderful feeling? To know that we've fought, we've conquered and we've won, what the enemy tried to bring against us? But imagine, trying to do that all alone?

It just makes me sit and smile in awe, at how big and warm God's heart is. To have a heavenly Father who sits high, watches down low, and who is always there to intervene and turn our situations around, is truly divine. God reminds us, that he will never fail us. Once he promises us something, he will come through and deliver, we just have to trust and believe in him.

He's shown us so many times through Abram, what the power of his blessings, can do, so how can we not be excited and proud to have a God like him?

I'm truly thankful for his love and his grace. I pray that my walk with God will only get deeper in every way possible. He has shown me, that I do need him in my life and that although life on Earth is precious, to live in eternity, by his side, is where I want to be.

I hope this has enlightened you. May you be a blessing unto others, just as God has blessed you!

If you have anything to share with me, then let me know in the comments.

Catch you back here soon Xx



Genesis Chapter 15


Genesis Chapter 13