Genesis Chapter 2

Heavenly Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters reading this right now. I thank you for their lives today, I thank you for all that you have done, doing and yet to do for them. May you continue to fill them, with everlasting love and joy, as they walk upon, the grounds you have blessed them with, in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you enjoyed going back in time with me and visiting the history of God’s creation, but it doesn’t stop there. You may see that I am starting from verses 4-6, but this is because I have touched upon Chapter 2, verses 1-3 at the end of Genesis Chapter 1.

So lets find out what Genesis Chapter 2, has in store for us.


Genesis Chapter 2, verses 4-6:

In these verses, we revisit the day that the Lord made the Heavens and the Earth. God made the Earth and Heavens, before any plants and herbs, grew. As there wasn’t anyone to prepare the fields or work on the crops, we see that, God didn’t bring any rain at this time. Therefore, God created a mist, which arose from the Earth and watered the ground, to give it the nutrients it needed in the meantime.


Genesis Chapter 2, verses 7-8:

Wow, this part is so amazing! Here, we see that, from the dust of the Earth, God formed a man, breathed life into his nostrils and made him a living human being. So who was this man and where did this man go? This man is called Adam and God created a beautiful garden called Eden, where he placed him. When I think about it, it just amazes me, how great our God is and having the breath and part of him, within any of us, is such a privilege and an honor.

The trees

Genesis Chapter 2, verses 9-12:

Here, we see that God made every tree, that would be good to produce food to the animals and the humans on Earth. Also, in the midst of the garden, we see the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil (also known as the tree of life).

So how did the trees receive its water? Well, the water came out of Eden and watered the garden, which parted and sourced not just one, but FOUR river-heads.

The name of the first river, is called Pishon; which skirts the whole land of Havilah (also known as Hawilah in Hebrew), and in this land, was the best gold.

THE RIVERS of paradise

Genesis Chapter 2, verse 13-14:

Here, we learn more about the rivers which parts from Eden. The name of the second river is called Gihon; which goes around the whole land of Cush (believed to be near the Red Sea).

The name of the third river is called Hiddekel; which goes toward the east of Assyria (bordered on the West, by the Syrian Desert and now known as the nation of Iraq).

The name of the fourth river is called the Euphrates (which is the longest river in Western Asia).


Genesis Chapter 2, verses 15-17:

As I touched on briefly in some of the verses above; we see that the Adam, is placed in the Garden of Eden, to tend and look after everything, in which God had made and placed in there. However, God gave one command, which was that Adam could eat from any tree, APART from the Tree of Knowledge and we know that, if God gave this command, then there are consequences behind it. We will learn more about this, later down the line.


Genesis Chapter 2, verses 18-20:

God, never stops being considerate and a visionary. He constantly thinks about the Earth and how he can occupy it. So here, we see the God doesn’t want this man to be alone in the garden of Eden, so God made beasts and birds (for land and to fly in the air) who would be great helpers of Adam. What is lovely though, is that God gave Adam the authority to name the animals.

However, we see Adam didn’t find great comfort in the animals, and because God could see how lonely he was, he thought, what else could be a comparable helper?


Genesis Chapter 2, verses 21-25:

The comparable helper, was formed from the ribs of Adam. She was called a woman (as she was taken from man). Adam says “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” When I read this, I feel the power of God’s hands working. He is a miracle working God, he is loving and caring and the way he creates life, is truly mind blowing. So here, we see that Adam now has a companion and they both take their place, to watch over the garden of Eden.


Brothers and Sisters, this has blessed me so much, because we don’t realize how much time, love and energy went into everything that we see around us and it reminds to be grateful for life and love, each and every day.

If you have any more to share on Genesis Chapter 2 and the verses above, that I can learn from, please feel free to reach out in the comments below xx


Genesis Chapter 3


Genesis Chapter 1