Welcome to The Heartfelt Studies!

I thought it would be nice to have two separate blogs, because faith is a big part of my life. I was raised as a Catholic and baptised as an adult into Christianity in 2019, with New Arc Ministries. New Arc Ministries, is a church which was introduced to me, by my mum and dad in law and I am thankful to them for that, because I have such an amazing Pastor, Apostle and church family.

So whenever you are in need of a church, in South East London, please check us out at;

We go through life unsure of where to go and who we are supposed to be, but after I got married and had my son in 2018, I felt this was the right time, for me to let God move in my life and to walk with Jesus Christ, because being a wife and mother, was a new chapter in my life and I felt that everything in the past, held me back on who I should be and everything that God knew I could have.

I went through things physically and mentally, and sometimes we feel that our sins are too much for God to accept us and that's not the case. God loves and accepts all those, who are willing to turn their lives over to him, because through Jesus Christ, may we be renewed in body, mind and spirit and I'm so glad that I started this new journey.

It was such a beautiful feeling as I stood in there in the water, facing my family and church family and when I asked why I was getting baptised, I just started crying. Crying because, I was overwhelmed by my family that came to support me, I was feeling so grateful to God, for being patient with me. I was feeling thankful to Jesus for sacrificing his life for me, so when I was about to take that step into my new life, it was my little thank you, for the way he has made for me.

It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was blazing and the light breeze was calming to my skin. I was just feeling so excited about my new journey. I was also a bit sad, because my aunt passed away a few months before and I know she would have loved to be there, but I also knew she had front rows seats, looking down from heaven. I was quite early to the venue, so I sat outside in the park, with my son and my sister, just enjoying every moment that passed by.

As the time came, we went into the hall and everyone took their place, we had everyone singing to fill the church with the spirit of joy, love and elevation. This was a celebration of transformation. It came to my turn, because there was three of us and as I was going to the water, I could hear my baby crying and I was thinking bless him, he was probably thinking what is going on, is my mummy alright with all that water and I could hear him calling mummy, so as I got out, I looked at him with a smile, to let him know, that mummy is okay as he was cradled in my sister’s arms.

I remember coming out of the pool and all I felt was peace. I felt light and free, like everything I went through, was washed away. Everyone kept asking how I was feeling and honestly, I just kept saying, I do not know. Apart from happiness, I couldn't really describe it, but it was a wonderful process for sure!

Every day, I try to live the best I can, by the words I speak and by my actions. I do get overwhelmed by life, bit when I put my gospel music on, I feel this blanket of release wash over me. Being a Christian doesn't mean we are perfect or that we do not go through challenges, because we are still human beings, we still fall short, but we our best to put our faith over our fears. We look to God, to grant us the peace and serenity, we can not get from the world.

Isaiah Chapter 41, verse 10 reads; So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

The Bible may be a bit tricky to read and it's something I am still getting used to. I don't know scriptures off by heart, but I enjoy studying them, because it allows my heart and mind to wonder and it fills me, with so much wisdom and knowledge. Having that insight, allows me to share the gospel in many ways and being led by the Holy Spirit, these chapters will be in no order.

I am no Pastor or Minister, just a vessel of God, so as you travel along The Heartfelt Studies with me, I hope you find inspiration and encouragement. xx


Genesis Chapter 1