Psalms 127:3 says:

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth.

C is for Charismatic

H is for helpful

I is for Independent

L is for Loving

D is for Determination

R is for Run your own race

E is for Eagerness

N is for Nurturing

You are not just a son or a daughter,

You are a special child of God.

You are beautiful individuals, with the abilities to shine.

Born with the abilities, to be anyone you want to be.

You are a young and energetic,

You are courageous and free.

You are princes, becoming Kings,

With the spirit, to bloom and win.

You are princesses, becoming Queens,

Breakthrough radiates, in that beautiful beam.

I pray that no matter what situation arises,

Just know how blessed you are.

No matter what direction your friends are going, just know you are capable of going far.

You are worthy, and you are important,

You are brave and you are loved.

Whenever you feel down or lost,

Just know, that you're never alone.

God is watching over you, every day,

Protecting and guiding you, along the way.

Visualise your future, to be as bright as you,

And that you can achieve, whatever you set your mind to do.

Keep learning and being the best you can,

Because God will always look after you, when you need him around.




My Anxiety