She is searching deep, into the depths of her soul, to find out, what is hurting her.

She's having to look for answers, that only she can hear and understand.

When she searched hard enough, it brought tears to her eyes, and it brought pain to her heart,

For she realized it was her, holding herself back all this time.

For the love she gives, isn't reciprocal,

It's only received out of need.

The need, that it provides a lending hand.

The need, that it provides a constant sacrifice.

The need, that it provides a safety net.

The need, that it provides a gentle response.

Her love and her nature, has kept her in cycles.

This guilt that shouldn't belong to her, has kept her bound.

The emotional abuse, has bruised and scarred her.

The thought of letting others down, has kept her trapped.

But now she knows, that despite of what has been coming against her,

It's time to let go and break free.

She doesn't deserve, to be locked in this cage anymore, it' is time to fly.

It's time to set fire, to the toxic patterns that has constantly burned her.

It's time to remember who God, called her to be.

It's time to take back, the memories of herself, that she lost.

It's time to recognize her worth, is not built on the people around her.

It's time to release the doubts and fears, they have kept her mind captive.

It's time to embrace, that her life means more, than just existing.

Her tears have built an ocean and now it's time to swim with joy,

Instead of always saving, it's time to start healing.

It's time to be herself again.


