I guess its true, when they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,

Because who can determine our appearance, when we were made in the image of our creator?

For if we strip down the layers, that covers us; physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally,

Then there's no better judgement to trust.

Because we all have flaws, whether seen or invisible,

We've come across experiences, we never thought was possible.

But with God's love, patience and grace,

We shine from within, not just from the glow on our faces.

For the time and effort, he put in, to make us all unique,

Our characters and our personalities, outgrows those physiques.

For beauty; is reflected in the goodness of our hearts,

To our values, our integrity and our mindfulness, which sets us apart.

From one another and from the world.

Beauty is; in our actions, our knowledge and our worth,

It's the vulnerability, the strength, the weaknesses, we allow to surface.

Without fear, without regret and shame,

Without the need, to pin point blame.

For who we are on the inside, is much more important,

Than what we show on the outside.

Just like a caterpillar, it can turn into a moth or a butterfly,

Trusting the process and believing in who we can become, determines how we fly.

God created each of us, with so much care, thought and with his love,

That alone, makes who we are, more than enough.

So I guess it's true,

Beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder.


