I can't believe I'm, dedicating this poem to you, it only felt like yesterday you were here,

If you knew how long this one took, you wouldn't think it was true.

You know how fast I am with my poetry, but this one, was the hardest to write,

Because I was covered by darkness, my words took time to see the light.

You came into my life, when I was six years of age,

And the memories from then, will never fade.

You taught me how to read the time, no matter how long it took,

You were so proud of me, when the marks, reflected in my books.

Our shopping trips to Tesco, our picnics in the park,

You helping me out with my fitness, that was such a laugh.

You even cut my fringe, pick my spots, cut my nails,

So many qualities in you, that never failed.

When summertime came, you used to throw water over us from the balcony,

Hide and laugh, because you thought it was funny.

When me and Jade used to play X-Factor, you'd listen behind the door,

And when we come out, you'd give us our scores.

When me and Marcus had our play fights, like WWE,

You would count us in; our own special referee.

You'd pick a topic, and then time me to write a poem,

Then you'd take time to listen to me go through them.

You were truly my number one fan, that you came to my college, and listened to me read,

To see your face light up with pride, it put me at ease.

We'd watch football on TV, with all our snacks,

A hogbog you would call us, for having so much food in our laps.

Along with our movie nights, listening to David Rodigan on Sundays, whilst playing cards,

Those were the best days, when we had a blast.

You wasn't just my stepdad, but my best friend,

Because wherever you went, I went.

I didn't care, that I had to jog to keep up with your strides,

My little legs, doing double, it was just fun to come along for the rides.

Such a handsome, clever, kind man,

With a way about you, that we didn't always understand.

A friendly giant, protective and full of so much love,

Who smiled and kept on, when things got tough.

A caring, private, strong individual, with a fiery personality too,

Who took pride, in everything that you had to do.

Definitely a Millwall supporter, with a love of motor racing,

Which brought out the child in him, for he was forever teasing his family, with his crazy sense of humour.

About beating Daniella and Sephan with the coat hanger, which never happened,

Winding up Big Marcus and Little Marcus about the Liverpool and Man U results.

Giving Jade Eagle claw and Mantis,

His Motor racing antics with Aunty Florrie.

Updating his Sister Lisa on soap programmes,

Helping Nanny with her bread rounds,

Timing my mum on her ‘Word-search’, whilst watching his football.

His love for his family in Yorkshire, his extended Henderson family.

His love for Roy, Robert, Carlos and Bartman from his childhood.

I just want to thank you for being the best dad, me, Jade and Marcus could ever ask for.

Thank you for being an amazing Grandad to Kylo, your bond was unconditional and truly beautiful to see.

Thank you bringing such joy and happiness to Mummy, and thank you for bringing our beautiful sister into the world.

We thank you for our Errill family and together we've tried to make this the best for you.

We are sad to see you go, but we know you're at peace,

Free of all back, knee, hip pains, you can be at ease.

In a place, where it's beautiful and only love and happiness stands,

I ask you to stay by our sides and just hold our hands.

But you're not far, we know you're near,

And we will try to smile and be brave through the tears.

This is not goodbye, just night-night, like Kylo says,

Until we meet again...


