Hey you, yes you!

I just wanted to say, that I am so proud of you.

The way you get up in the morning, despite those mental challenges,

The way you get on with your duties, even when you feel like you're unable to manage.

The way you smile, even though you're heart feels broken,

The way you still give love, because you know it's a precious token.

The way you humble yourself, in certain situations,

The way you set those boundaries, with specific relations.

The way you fight, through the things that have tried to bring you down,

The way you hold your own, and you stand firmly on the ground.

The way you take each moment, at a time,

That allows you to have, a grateful mind.

The way you present yourself, is a beautiful sight,

You allume with elegance, strength and you carry this courageous light.

The way you set yourself apart from those, that don't appreciate who you are,

The way your worth, your values and integrity, leads you afar.

The way you never settle, for less than you deserve,

The way you apply every experience and knowledge gained, to your learning curve.

The way it takes you time, but you open up your heart and soul,

With the trust and vulnerability, you carefully hold.

The way you let go, and you just enjoy life,

Independent and bold, filled with joy and no strife.

The way you believe, even when things were against you,

The way you never let the past, define you.

Keep taking, one day a time.

Keep reaching, for your dreams.

Keep the faith, that all good things are for you.

Keep the peace and continue to be the wonderful, amazing, funny, loving person you are.

I am so proud of you!


