When moments are full of weariness, remember that; a friend, a confidant and a provider,

Will always be in the presence, of our Lord Savior.

For what a privilege it is, to have him standing by our side,

He has the ability to seek us out of the dark moments, that with him, we never have to hide.

Who we are and the things we are going through,

For he wants the best for us, in everything that we do.

We may be hurting, we may be full of mistakes,

But he is there, to turn those around, because he knows we have what it takes.

He hears the deepest of cries and sees the deepest of pains,

He never breaks his promises; for they remain the same today and as they were yesterday.

To always believe in us, to never leave us, nor forsake us,

But we need to lean on him, to have that faith and trust.

For Jesus cares about our well-being and all that we are yet to grow through,

Waiting patiently in the midst, with the strength we require to remain rooted in spirit and in truth.

Jesus heals the brokenhearted and he mends those fragments, so that he piece us back together, like the diamonds we are,

Because he knows that despite the heartbreak, we still have the courage to rise again and to go far.

Jesus loves us for who we were, who we are and for who we're going to become,

With his love sprinkled over the crowns of our heads; our purposes and assignments, will never come undone.

Jesus saves us from the pit, that has kept us stuck for far too long,

He knows the greatness that is stored within us and he knows, where we belong,

Jesus separates us from things, that he knows taught us a lesson,

He helps us through the trials and tribulations, to show us his continuous blessings.

Jesus restores us from inside out, he returns the smile to our face,

He replenishes our weary souls, with his divine grace.


