I know it is easier said than done, but you know me,

I had to write this down, for you to see.

To do my best and give you an uplifting word,

To comfort you, from the pain and the hurt.

As we know, absence makes the heart grow fonder,

But I hope that in time; the memories, will make the healing easier.

Even though physically, I may not be around,

Don’t let that missing part of me, keep you down.

Because the love that I have had, I couldn't ask for more,

And I will continue to hold it, as I venture through this next door.

I just ask that; you continue to look after yourself and to always love,

Help eachother through, when things get tough.

Speak about me; with joy and happiness,

And remember moving on, is not an act of selfishness.

I want you to keep thriving, towards your dreams and goals,

I want you to have contentment and laughter, buried into your souls.

Because; I couldn't be more grateful for the life, God gave me with you,

And it doesn't end, for I will always be there, in all that you do.

Please take this change, one day at a time,

Just don't let me be the forefront of your heart and mind.

Don't consume any negativity, just let the emotions out,

And now I'm not in the room, you can freely cuss and shout.

Whenever you get cold, I'll wrap you in my arms,

Whenever you feel low, I'll be your restoration charm.

Whenever you feel lost, I'll leave my footprints in the sand,

Whenever you feel alone, I'll give a lending hand.

So please don't worry, God has gotten you too,

He will give you the strength, to help you pull through.

Even when it doesn't feel like it, I know you're strong enough,

Because you always shine, like the diamond in the rough.

You are amazing, you are wonderful and you are blessed, with whatever comes your way,

I'm right by your side, you will be okay.


