Finding it in our hearts to always love with strength, because we already know, that love isn’t as

Easy as it seems. It comes with experiencing the magic and braving the storm

Balancing the emotions of someone, other than ourselves

Recognizing who we are as individuals and allowing ourselves to grow

Understanding that barriers takes time to come down

And that our worth and values can never be defined

Right now or from the past, because forwards and upwards we will always go

Yearning and reaching all things love.

Do you know, what is beautiful about love?

It is the fuzzy feeling, it brings,

The melody, in which the heart sings.

Yes, sometimes the harmonies may not always be the best,

There may be some trials and some tests.

But February, you uplift us, you really do,

The shortest month and you always come through.

You may be the tail end of winter, but you make a way for spring,

You get love going, in full swing.

Love is;

Sharing all the joy and pain, with one another,

Lifting one another up, in faith and hope.

Celebrating each-other's happiness,

And elevating one another in richness of growth, reflection and appreciation.


Where there is hope, there is love,

Where there are trials, love is in the midst.

Where one story ends and another chapter begins, love can be found.


Is self-love

Is self-care

Is self-reliance

Is self-belief


Is unity

Is compromise

Is safety

Is bold and beautiful

Love is being who we are, even when surrounded by others.

Love is not being afraid to speak up and let go.

Love is experience, is memories and adventures.

Love is seeking new dreams, whilst keep that passion and potential going.

Love is friendship, Love is family, Love is God and Love will always around.

I Corinthians 13:7 reads: Love Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

So may there be love and peace in your heart,

And remember, it’s never too late, to give love a start.


