When the pain comes back and darkness hits,

You try to step forward, but something pulls you back and you think that's it.

When hopelessness arrives and you're starting to sink,

Despair takes over, the way you feel and think.

Remember that; you deserve to rise again,

To look in the mirror and to be your own friend.

Remember that; you deserve to smile again,

And it's not about the ifs, it's all about the when.

Life, may have knocked you around,

But the determination in you, will not keep you down.

Life, may have tried to define who you are,

But the bloodline of royalty, is more than enough.

For the mistakes you've carried, let them go,

For the experiences you've gone through, let them help you grow.

For the heartbreaks you've endured, know that love never ends,

For the losses you've battled with, the door of opportunities will come again.

The crown of forgiveness, will set you free,

The eyes of fresh vision, will remind you of who you're supposed to be.

The ears of empowerment, will be your comforter,

The tongue of belief, will be your sustainer.

The armour of strength, will elevate you, in what's next,

The boots of faith, will guide your steps.

So, you will get past all the strife,

You will love, laugh and live your life.

You deserve the best and you deserve to be happy on this earth,

Just remember who you are and never forget your worth.


