In you; I see such a beautiful person,

Working each day, to become a better version, of who you were yesterday.

Even when battles come and things are uncertain,

You stay encouraged, you never follow the diversions.

In you; I see such a wonderful person, who has gone through so much,

Who has kept their dreams alive and their goals untouched.

That even through the mishaps, you stand courageous and bold,

Always open minded, to the chapter yet to unfold.

Through the things that have tried to bring you down,

You believe in yourself, you plant yourself firmly on the ground.

The ground in which you nurture, with your love and loyalty,

With a heart of pure gold, that continues to beat joyfully.

When you smile, it's like the stars at night,

You fill my world, with positivity and light.

You bring me out of my comfort zone, you speak life into me,

You accept me for who I was, who I am and who I’m yet to be.

I'm thankful for the road you have traveled along, because God helped us to cross paths,

Where he has given us the opportunity to create memories and laugh.

You empower me, you motivate me and you inspire me,

You are such an amazing person, with so much to achieve.

Friendship is not always about, who we've known the longest,

It’s about those who has been there, at our weakest and at our strongest.

You hear my silent cries, you are patient and you give your time,

You listen and you advise, which takes a load of my mind.

You truly are a special person, in my life,

And I pray, that you continue to thrive.

In all that you hope for and in all that you do,

My beautiful friend, I pray prosperity and happiness, follows in all that you go through.

Thank you, for loving me,

Thank you, for accepting me.

Thank you, for choosing me,

Thank you, for trusting me.

Thank you for being you and thank you, for our friendship.

As long as we continue to walk this earth and I have you here, beside me,

I will care for you, uplift you and cherish you, into eternity.


