My Love, My Other Half

When I'm with you;

I see, strength shining from your beautiful brown eyes,

I feel, love beating softly, from the depths of your heart.

I hear, determination presenting itself from the crooks of your mouth,

I touch, healing from the braveness of your scars.

I smell, appreciation floating in the air that you breathe.

When I'm with you;

I see, change, in the way your body dances through the crowds,

I feel, empowerment, vibrating from the echoes of your laughter.

I hear, growth through the motivational words you speak,

I touch, restoration from the brokneness that no longer exists.

I smell, elevation upon your life, because you've been held back for far too long.

When I'm with you;

All I feel is happiness, because the warm embrace of your hug, fills me with stability and hope,

Your smile, casts a wave of peace and joy, over my life.

Your laughter, brings me into a whole new world.

You stripped away my layers, that put up a wall,

You listen, you care, you prepare to catch me, should I fall.

Most of all, your love for me, is unconditional and it matches mine,

So from then and now; I will always know that you are mine and I am yours, until the end of time.


Stay With Me


God Hear Our Prayer