God Hear Our Prayer

As I kneel before you God,

Please hear the words we cry out to you,

The silent whispers, that vibrates our souls.

I pray that you hear, every unspoken word, lost in the midst of our emotions,

Because we know, that emotions are temporary, compared to the joy and the peace that only you can give.

Heavenly Father, you are loving and you are wonderful,

And I know that with every breath and step, we take, you are always nearby.

You are in reach, to catch the tears that fall,

You are in reach, to embrace us, in our times in need.

Oh good God,

You are mighty and powerful,

You are full of wonders and miracles.

You are patient and caring,

You are faithful and merciful.

Your promises to us, never fails,

Because even when we are not where we want to be, you place us where we should be,

Even when what we ask for, doesn't come when we need it, it always comes on time..

Even when we stumble and fall, you pick us up and guide us forward,

When the paths we see do not look clear, you keep alight the path we require and you make a way.

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for our lives, even when sadness overcomes us,

We thank you for all that you do, if when it feels we have nothing.

We thank you for all that you are yet to do, even when we do not understand it.

You are a sustainer and you are a provider,

And as you sit high and look down low, we thank you for the grace you place upon us.

We thank you for restoring us, when we've been broken,

We thank you for healing us, when we've been lacking good health.

We thank you for opening doors for us, when opportunities seemed to have disappeared.

We thank you for the wisdom, the knowledge and fresh vision within us, because your word and understanding, is more powerful than we know.

We thank you, for making us in the image of you, fearfully and wonderfully made.

Through your Son, may we walk according to your will and your way.

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray.



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