Stay With Me

I give thanks to God, for all he has done and yet to do.

I thank him for his grace and mercy, for continuing to pull me through,

Every trial and opportunity, he has laid out for me,

For opening my heart, to all his possibilities.

Every day, I've woken up, I've been filled with this peace,

Sometimes unexplainable, but I feel at ease.

Its like I've got this bubble in me, that just keeps on growing,

Reflecting on the outside, with this smile that just keeps on showing.

I am blessed and I am thankful,

To be in the presence of God, to walk in the word, of his Son Jesus Christ,

Because with their guidance and their favour, I can never be left behind.

This feeling of love and contentment, is more than I could ever ask for,

If on this journey , I receive more, I accept it, with a grateful heart.

I've never felt this way and I don't want it to end,

For God, you are my sustainer, provider, my Father and friend.

Without your hand, I don't know where I'd be,

But I thank you for allowing me to see.

That with you in my life, I am much more, there is much more, as long as I stay focused on you.

When I think about the road I could have been travelling and the possibility you could have been absent,

It makes me sad, because with you I am whole and I am proud of who you've made me to be.

Heavenly Father, if there's one thing that I can do for you,

I pray I bless those with the words you've given me.

Because every word I speak is from the heart, but it is from you too,

So thank for you reminding me to remain loyal and true.

To your will and way for me.

With patience, hope and to trust in you always.

I know I'm not perfect, but you still love me and you still work on me and for that, I will continue to work becoming the best version I can be.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for my church, I thank you for my friends and family and most of all, I thank you, for staying with me.




My Love, My Other Half