The Beauty And The Power Of Loss

Days, weeks, months and years flies past,

But the memories created, will always last.

For when love remains in the heart,

It doesn't know the length of time apart.

For the love, the bond and the friendship we had, is unconditional,

It remains rooted and grounded, in the depths of my soul.

It's like a seed, that has been planted within a safe haven,

That can bloom, but never disappear.

Though the doors you once walked through, are closed,

Your smile, your laughter, your cuddles are what I miss the most.

And I know this hurt inside of me, is okay to feel,

Because to understand those feelings, will allow me to heal.

For God, has called you home,

To a place where you will never be alone.

For there, you can rest in perfect peace,

Where our minds down on Earth, are a little bit at ease.

To know where you are; there's no more hurting, no more pain and no more sorrow,

That the life you have now, is no longer borrowed.

Even though, you are not here,

Your spirit, your kindness, boldness and faithfulness, will always stay near.

You left behind something that can never be lost, nor be replaced,

As I write this with tears in my eyes,

This is a, I will see you soon and not a goodbye.


God Hear Our Prayer

