
King, do you feel your importance in this world? Well you should, do you know why?

Because despite every situation that tries to pull you down and to pull you back, you are still here,

For within you, is a purpose designed only for you.

A seed, that God himself has planted within you to grow and to shine,

Even if you are unable to comprehend it right now.

You are a gorgeous soul, carrying the burdens of the world, ever so quietly,

Walking every step, with assertiveness.

You are an amazing human being, being pushed and pulled,

Yet, your mindset remains focused on your dreams.

You are a talented individual, walking amongst a diverse galaxy, but you know your place.

You are a brave soldier, fighting every battle with an open mind and strength.

Strength, that may not always be there, but you keep it stored.

Strength, that may to subside, but you hold it dearly.

Strength, that has kept you here today.


You are a leader, because you have the ability to direct and uplift those Kings around you.

You are adaptable to your situations, because you've learnt that life isn't one straight road.

You embrace the events in your history, but your legacy, will be greater.

You are covered by the grace of God, because you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

You are a provider, you have integrity and you carry humbleness,

Because you know the past, but you know where you are heading.

You inspire others to become the best version of themselves,

Because you know what it is like, to be torn down.

You are an empire, built from the foundations of courage, decisiveness, passion and clarity,

So you know, you have to keep thriving.

From the ashes of a phoenix, shall you rise,

Because you are more than enough.

So keep that smile alight, fix that crown and keep leveling up, like the King you are....


The Beauty And The Power Of Loss


A Mother's Love