A Mother's Love

She cradles her child, with strength and hope,

As his head lays softly, against her chest.

The sound of two hearts, beating harmoniously,

Vibrating the power of unconditional love.

She looks at him, with admiration sparkling in her brown eyes,

He looks at her, with the feeling of safety and stability.

Their smiles combined, glistens like the sun,

Because all they feel is warmth and happiness.

Their spirit in this present moment, is as blue as the sky,

For peace and contentment covers them.

As she holds him closely,

She is filled with such joy and wonder,

With gratitude and appreciation.

She is filled with strength and hope,

For he's made her a warrior.

He is the missing piece of the puzzle, that she never knew was lost,

For love has found her and has planted itself within her so deeply.

Because all she sees, when she looks at him, is the dream, she always had,

This is a Mother's Love..




You Are A Queen