Half Term Adventure Ideas

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Looking for Half-Term Fun? Check Out The Horniman Museum!

When it comes to half terms, the big question for many families is always the same: What to do and where to go? Do we stay local in the UK or venture abroad for a change of scenery? Should we fill our days exploring outdoor spaces or get creative with indoor activities?

Weather, of course, can be a game-changer, and let’s not forget the cost factor! Finding something that’s both affordable and fun can sometimes feel like a tricky balancing act. That’s why we were so excited to discover The Horniman Museum—a fantastic option offering a variety of events and experiences, all under one roof. Whether it's raining outside or the sun is shining, The Horniman has something for everyone! Let me tell you about our family day out.

The Butterfly House: A Tropical Escape

One of our first stops was The Butterfly House, and trust me, once you step inside, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to a tropical paradise! The air is warm and humid, designed to mimic the perfect environment for butterflies to thrive. It’s incredible to see these delicate creatures up close, fluttering around in a vibrant setting of beautiful plants and colorful flowers. You might even get lucky enough to have one land on you!

However, if you have any health concerns—especially respiratory issues like asthma—I'd recommend limiting your time inside. The humidity hit me pretty hard when I first walked in, so it’s worth pacing yourself and enjoying it at your own speed. That said, it's a wonderful space for both children and adults to learn about the butterfly life cycle and the ecosystems they depend on. Plus, children under 3 go free, with tickets for everyone else starting from just £7—a fantastic deal for such a magical experience!

Dive Into The Aquarium

Next up, we ventured into The Horniman Aquarium, and honestly, there’s just something about watching fish swim gracefully through their tanks that’s soothing no matter your age. The boys (my son and nephew) were captivated by the colorful coral reefs, fascinating fish, and marine habitats on display. They loved learning the different fish names, observing their behaviors, and giggling at the ones that swam a little too close to the glass!

Though the aquarium is fairly small, it’s packed with fun things to see, and you can easily enjoy it in a short amount of time. The intimacy of the space actually makes it ideal for little ones—just the right size for their curious minds and shorter attention spans! Children under 3 are free, and with kids’ tickets starting at £2.50 and adults at £5, it’s another great value stop on your museum visit.

A Walk on the Wild Side: Animal Walk

If you love animals, you’ll want to check out The Animal Walk, where you can get up close to some furry and feathered friends. Despite a bit of a sore foot, we managed to stroll through twice! The walk isn’t too long, but there’s plenty to see, including two llamas lounging and munching away, which got my sister a bit nervous when I joked about how fast they can move (oops!). We also spotted the fluffiest, cleanest rabbit I’ve ever seen, along with some playful sheep dashing around their little field.

This part of the museum is especially peaceful and educational, with lots of interesting facts about the animals posted along the way. Best of all? It’s completely free! A perfect stop for animal lovers and a nice way to break up your day.

Playtime at Horniman Triangle Playground


To top off our day, we crossed the road to Horniman Triangle Playground—the perfect spot to let the kids burn off some final energy. This play area offers a range of climbing frames, swings, and even a sandpit for the more adventurous little ones. And when hunger strikes, you can grab a bite at Brown & Green Café, which offers a selection of hot and cold snacks and drinks. With plenty of seating around the playground, it’s easy to keep an eye on the kids while taking a well-deserved break.

Why The Horniman Museum is a Must-Visit

So, if you’re wondering how to keep the kids entertained this half term without breaking the bank, The Horniman Museum is definitely worth a visit. It offers a brilliant mix of fun, learning, and relaxation, all at an affordable price. From the tropical wonder of the Butterfly House to the peaceful Animal Walk, the engaging Aquarium, and the playground that’s perfect for an end-of-day wind-down, there’s something for everyone.

Whether you’re local or traveling from a bit further away, make sure to put The Horniman on your half-term adventure list! You won’t regret it 😊xx




