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Motherhood is a beautiful yet busy journey. The time just flashes by so fast in the day, that we may tend to forget to eat or even drink. We’re always on the go; either shopping, doing the laundry, cooking, cleaning and the list just goes on.

If you’re like me and you don’t nap and even when you want to rest, you find reasons to just do something, it is easy to burnout. Sometimes the littlest activity, such as; taking five minutes out to read a book, going for a short walk or even just calling a friend to have a quick chat, can make a difference to our day.

Self-care is about the mind, body and soul and how we feed those areas are very important. From the food we eat, to the physical activity, to the boundaries we set and the company we keep. Although we are a capable of doing so many things, we have to remember we are only human.

So here are some self-care ideas, to get you fresh and rejuvenated.

1. Take a nice warm bubble bath

Hand holding a white bath bomb, in a bubble path with lilac petals. 5 Self-Care Ideas For A busy Mum

Just the thought of sinking into a nice warm bubble bath, with some music or candles, can be something we look forward to, especially if we haven’t had time to do that in a while. The feeling of the bubbles moisturizing the skin, along with its aroma, can bring a sense of relaxation; giving the mind time to calm down, whilst creating a soothing atmosphere, allowing us to disengage from the outside world for a bit.

So even if it’s just twenty minutes, disappear into the palace of bubbles.

2. Treat yourself to something nice

We all have responsibilities, ensuring the bills are paid, clothes are on backs and food is on the table, that sometimes we forget to look after ourselves. Making sure our family are looked after is definitely important and a priority, but we need some self-care too.

I always feel bad when I think about buying myself something, but I’ve realised that I work so hard, that I deserve to have a little treat. My husband always gives me a telling off for not doing so! So once a month, even if it’s something small, I will treat myself.

So don’t forget to treat yourself to something that you have been holding out on, because you deserve it mama.

3. Catch up on a film or series

As we know life gets busy and the day passes by so quickly that when we actually get to settle down, there’s not much time to catch up on our favourite soap, series or even watch a film.

I work part time, so when I’m off and I’m not writing, I like to just take time out by laying on the sofa and watching a film or a series. I used to feel that I was being unproductive, but then I realised I’m actually self caring, because this is a way that I get to relax from my busy schedule.

Whenever you can; even it’s half an hour, let your mind get engrossed in that film or series that you’ve had recorded or on pause, because restoration is vital.

4. Make yourself a lovely meal

A nutritional meal is vital, as we know already for good health. It can help in how much energy we have and can run on throughout the day.

Meal prepping is a good way, to start getting the nutrients you need. It may feel like it takes a long time to do, but it can help in the short run. It doesn’t have to be something big and fancy, but something light and filling.

Maybe start off with some oats and fruits for breakfast (I prefer blueberries or bananas), a nice protein salad or sandwich for lunch and then dinner, can be something for the whole family.

Because, who doesn’t enjoy a yummy meal?

5. Put on some music and dance

Music is good for the soul, oh yes it is! Who doesn’t enjoy a good two step or a ballad when alone? I sure do!

When cooking or washing the dishes, I have to have some music on, that I can sing and dance to. It relieves those intrusive thoughts for a while and it gets my body moving.

Listening to upbeat music and dancing freely, is a good way to relieve any muscle tensions, it can soothe us, encourage and uplift our mood.

So Mama, get that music on and boogie those worries away!

I hope you enjoyed these ideas!

Let me know what your self care ideas are, in the comments below xx


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