I thank Jesus for Strength.

For the times I've broken down, he's lifted my head.

For the times, my tears made a sea, he parted them away.

For the times, my shoulders had to carry a load, he took the weight of the world from me.

For the times, I doubted my abilities to be the best mum I can be,

He reminds me that I'm fearfully and wonderfully made.

When I felt restricted, with no where to turn,

Philippians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

I thank Jesus for Strength,

For when I was at the convocation and I got a call to say that my Nan wasn't breathing, to when I got on the bus, where I got the call she passed,

He gave me strength to come back the next day, because he knew the faith and the unity, will help me along the way.

I thank Jesus for Strength,

For the strength he gives me, to be strong, for my husband and his condition. For the strength that he gives me, that I can give also.

I thank Jesus for Strength

For Matthew 24:35 says; Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

I thank Jesus for Strength

For the time I had to perform CPR and see life draining in front of me,

He gave me the strength to keep pushing through.

Because without his presence, without his patience, I wouldn't know what I would have done.

I've seen life change many times, before my eyes,

But the promises of God, never lies;

2nd Corinthians 12 says “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

I thank Jesus for Strength;

So as I rise up today, I'm choosing to let the light of Jesus Christ, show me, that darkness is not meant to stay. That the pain, that have taken a place in my heart, is not meant to stay. He made a way and will continue to make a way for me. He constantly teaches me that I should never be dismayed by the things that are meant to happen, even if it sets me back or causes me a bit of sadness, but I should always be encouraged by the things that are going right, to be grateful of the people who love me and I love, by things that I have that most people don't. So I thank Jesus for his love and his guidance and I thank God for his continuous grace and mercy over my life, over my family and friend's lives. Without his fence around us, we could be in a different position, so I thank him for all that he has done, doing and yet to do..

For Joshua 1:9 says; Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.


