If we take a deep breath and close our eyes,

We will fill every emotion, that lies,

Within the depths of our souls.

No matter what we do, to try and control it,

We can not deal with them alone.

For God says 'child, let me help you, let me near,

With me by your side, you shall never have to fear.

Just take that breath, that moment and concentrate,

Do not feel disheartened, because you're doing great.

Every layer, that is holding you back and down,

I will take them from you, if you keep me around.

The sadness, the darkness and the pain,

These are things that will not stay the same.

Your life is more important, than what this world may see,

For their eyes is not as clear as mine, I know what it will be.

I will strip away the burdens, and I will heal you from the past,

All I ask of you, is to never put me last.

You are my child, whom I love very much and with all my heart,

No matter the length between us, no matter how we are far apart.

Because the words I speak, are my promises to you,

That I will never leave nor forsake you, in all that you go through.

Just trust and believe the process, have faith in my plans,

Continue to walk in your purpose, even in the things you do not understand.

Where I have placed you, is where you need to be,

So do not look backwards or sideways, you will not see me.

I will always be ahead of you, with my hands out stretched,

Keeping your paths alight, so that you may never forget,

To keep focused on me, to keep your head looking forwards and held high,

If you stumble, just look to the sky.

Whisper to me, talk to me, let out your cries,

No matter how you try to pull back, I will never say goodbye.

You deserve more, that's why I have anointed you,

So you can find the fulfillment in all that you do.

You are here to rise, you are here to thrive, you are here to become the greatest,

Just remember that you are strong enough, courageous enough, to overcome those trials and tests.

You are my masterpiece, you are my treasure,

My child, my love can never be measured.

It is consistent and unconditional,

It is unfailing and powerful.

It will carry you through your days, just remember my ways, and all that I have for you, will keep you sustained.

You are beautiful birds, whom I have freed,

Freed from this Earthly cage.

You are to fly, to soar, to conquer and to survive,

For you are fearfully and wonderfully made.


