Purpose, Passion And Potential

You are one of a kind,

A beautiful spirit, with a sound mind.

A diamond in the rough, but the strongest of all,

For your faith, will always catch you, should you happen to fall.

Because you my dear, are amazing,

Don't you know, how great you are?

Don't you realise that, you can go so so far?

If you just stop, for one moment, and see yourself clearly.

Allow your eyes, to wonder upon, every inch of your skin,

You'll feel the purpose, the passion and the potential, that hides itself within.

Waiting to be unleashed, into this world, where you deserve to shine, like the jewel you know to be.

For God didn't bring you this far, by accident.

No, you were created with a purpose, a passion and with potential.

That love you're feeling for the dream, that embraces you like a blanket,

That rocks you to sleep, with its sweet lullaby.

Touches you so deeply, so you'll never forget,

Who you are and who you are yet to become.

From the moment that you wake up, until you lay your head,

And all you can think about is that dream, you need to push yourself towards it.

Instead of being held down by the chains of doubt,

Keep your eyes open and focused and make each working hour count.

Because when you realize how powerful and purposeful you are,

You will know there's no limits to your growth.

When you realize how all that passion, is set to rise like an eagle,

Your abilities, your skills and your potential, will become unlocked.

Stay focused on your journey, because the footprints and the handprints you leave in life,

Will be a reflection of the adventures you made.

So remember; that YOU are important, YOU have a purpose whether you know what it is as yet. YOU have a passion, so take time for it unfold and YOU have endless potential and possibilities.



