
In the midst of her chaos, she found the freedom, she needed;

By choosing to put herself first, above everything else, that keeps holding her back.

By letting go of the things that has been causing her pain, to focus on her healing.

By taking control of the things, she can change day by day.

Because now, when she looks at herself in the mirror,

She no longer sees the sadness, in the stain glassed tears, that rested upon her cheeks,

The anger is absent from the melody of her words.

The taste of bitterness, that took place in the buds of her mouth, has subsided.

The scars from the past, are no longer visible.

For now she sees, a brand new person;

With a smile, that spreads like a cheshire cat,

Her eyes, twinkle like the beautiful stars.

Her heart beats harmoniously, in rhythm to the music in her ears,

Passion and excitement, flows from her,

From her thoughts to the words, she expresses.

She stands in firmness of her decisions, in strength and courage of the future,

She trusts the plans, God has put in place for her.

Her purpose reborn from the ashes of the darkness, now alight like a phoenix,

She is transformed, she has risen, she is free...


You Are A Queen


Purpose, Passion And Potential