My Dear Nanny Pat

I never knew how far unconditional love could extend to,

But I felt it and found it, when I was surrounded by you.

The way you accepted me, like one of your own,

The way you embraced me and welcomed me into your home.

You called me your Earth Angel, but you were mine,

You always encouraged me to thrive and shine.

The support you gave me, in love and life,

Came effortlessly and sincerely, so many times.

You showed me that blood knows, no colour,

Because as long as Christ is within us, we're all family to one another.

You showed me that uniqueness is a gift, that God himself provides,

You always motivated me, to be who I am and to never hide.

In the shadows or in the dark,

Because wonderfully made, you said I deserve to go far.

With my poetry and with the kindness in my heart,

You appreciated and believed in me, from the very start.

It took me a while to call you Nanny and I felt so bad,

Because I didn't want to hurt you or make you feel sad.

But the moment I said it, you done a double take and asked if I did,

I remember the twinkle in your eye, as you gave me a hug and a kiss.

I'll never forget feeding the ducks and our visits to homebase,

Or our trips to Trafalgar Square and having lunch, as the sun warmed our faces.

I'll never forget our baking moments and our movie days,

Or all the laughter and funny-crazy times, that came our way.

I'll never forget our subway lunches, or our indoor Caribbean dinners,

Whenever you had those, you felt like a winner.

Because they tasted so good, it made you dribble and smile,

Especially when you didn't have, either for a while.

I'll never forget the Tesco orders, you done for us,

Or the way, you gave me all your trust.

I'll never forget how you fought, until the very end,

I'm so proud to have had you as my beautiful Nanny and my friend.

I'm sorry I wasn't there, to comfort you, as you went on, into God's arms,

But I know he welcomed you graciously, especially because of your faithfulness and charm.

I know you're at peace and you don't have to worry about, asking anyone for help,

Because God's provision and guidance, is the best you'll ever need.

I know you're safe and flying high with your Angel wings,

So continue to sleep well, my dear Nanny Pat.

I miss you loads

and love you always,

Until we meet again.


I Wish


What A Precious Diamond You Are