Mamas when it comes to hair wash day and hair styling day, how does it go for you? Comment below and let me know your routine!

I think growing up, I got so used to my head pulled here, there and everywhere, that when it comes to the children of today, they will never know what we had to go through, to get the perfect hair..

I know what I went through and I do my best to make sure my little one’s experience is positive. He has his ups and downs, when he wants his hair done, then he doesn’t. Then he tells me the style and then looks in the mirror when it’s done! Just seeing his face lights up, makes me happy for sure!

But the best ways to beat those hair day blues, is to make sure that our kids are comfortable. Whether that’s watching TV and having a snack, so be it! Let them be in their zone for a while and two, find the right products that helps make the routine run smoothly!

Here’s a list of my top products that I use for my little one, which you may find useful.

1. Cantu Care for Kids Nourishing Shampoo

It gives those coils and waves that extra gentle care it needs and I just love to smell that Shea Butter, Coconut Oil and Honey, all infused together whilst seeing those beautiful curls bounce around. Most all of it’s tear free!

Check this out on Amazon from around £4.98

2. Cantu Care for Kids Nourishing Conditioner

I’ve never been one to stick to a good hair routine, but my son gets treated like royalty! What’s best than having your massaged by someone else? It’s so soothing isn’t it! Using this conditioner is amazing, it nurtures and gives those curls an extra shine, which I love to see before my eyes! With no harsh ingredients, the beautiful blend of Shea butter, coconut oil and honey, supports his hair to be on a healthy journey.

Check this out at Amazon from around £3.00

3. Cantu Conditioning Detangler for Kids and Detangler Brush

I think when it comes to detangling those bouncy curls, coils and waves; the best thing that we can do, to avoid damaging the hair, is to find a good detangler and brush!

Because Ky has thick hair, using the Cantu’s conditioning detangler, gives that extra help with the softening of his hair and using a good detangling brush reduces the amount of pressure applied to both the hair and the scalp, which is amazing.

Depending on what hair day it is (wash day, or a touch up day), all you have to do, is spray the detangler onto damp or dry hair, section and comb/ brush through and style as usual. Easy peasy! The detangler and the brush can be found on Amazon, for no more than £20!

4. Luster's Pink Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion

Pink is the colour associated with kindness, love and understanding and when it comes to our hair, those are qualities that we definitely have to adhere to.

I always aim to treat my son’s hair that way, by being careful and taking my time because I know his head can be tender and I can’t have him running off, with half his hair done. Even when we’re in a rush mammas, we have to slow down when it comes to hair day and what works best than using Luster's Pink Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion, which helps prevent breakage and controls those split ends, we all dread!

I find that using this pink oil moisturizer, definitely gives off any extra sheen to his hair, along with such a sweet smell! What else could I ask for?

Check this out at Amazon from around £6!

5. Dax Bees Wax with Royal Jelly

No, it’s not the jelly that you can eat..or maybe? No no no, it’s Dax Bees Wax with Royal Jelly, infused with;

Safflower Oil- used to ourish and hydrates those curls.

Mineral Oil- helps to minimize those summer frizzes and enhances those curls, when you need to them set and show off! Not to forget the shine, to add light into our lives.

Royal Jelly Extract- contains the vitamins and minerals, we require to keep our hair looking lush and flourished.

I love using this on my son’s hair, because after everything else; finishing off his hair day with this product, really does make his hair stronger, thicker and shinier! I am so glad I’ve come across it. I even use it on the hubby!

Check it out at eBay starting from £8!

So there you have it, my own top five products, that I personally use on my son’s hair. Different sites, will vary in price, so do let know what deals you find. As you know that sharing is caring and if you happen to try any of these, let me know which works for you, in the comments below x


