Jumping into a new season, with an

Understanding, that the past, is

Not our current situation, because

Even the flowers need time, to bloom

Hey June, you have the same name as my mum,

And indeed you both shine, like the sun.

You both bring love, laughter and warmth,

You give us courage, to elevate and transform.

Into our purposes and into fulfilling our assignments,

Allowing us to grow, by breaking all confinements.

Because in order to be abundant and bountiful,

We must be open and mindful.

June, you are here to lead us, into summer,

As we embrace the joy, with one another.

For you bring positivity and fruitfulness,

And you carry the spirit, of patience and kindness.

You show us the meaning of enjoying life,

Turning a new chapter and wanting to thrive.

To be healthy in body, spirit and mind,

You open our eyes, of wanting to find.

The best within ourselves and what is to come,

Because after all, that is said and done.

We are going to reach the stars and more,

For our faith carries us, in every opening door.

For you, our dear June, are chapter six,

We know that you can tackle and fix.

The things that try to block our way,

Because you are about new beginnings and you will not sway.

For you show us, that you are of care and humility,

You fill us with the sense of courage and capability.

That no matter what crosses our paths,

We will smile, we will rise and we shall laugh.

So as we go into this month;

May the goodness of your presence,

Cover us with admiration and balance.

As we stand in the moment, with appreciation,

As we go through the season, with adoration.

Because even through the trials, life is precious,

The memories captured, can never be measured.

For every turning, of this new page,

So we thank you, for bringing us this way.

To embrace, to accept, to understand and to rise,

That we are amazing, with the ability to soar high.

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