I hope you guys had a lovely weekend! I hope it was full of peace and rest! I know the weekends just keep on flying by, the season is changing, so now it’s the time; where we need to slow down, sit back and just think about ourselves for a moment. I know you’re probably thinking slow down, why? Slow down, what’s that? I have goals, I need to keep going no?
Well, no, because we all need time to rejuvenate, otherwise we will just burn out (And I know we probably all know that feeling, all too well!). Sometimes, we won’t realise how much we’re doing, until it’s too late. It’s not a bad thing to take time out, that short time or long break, that just allows us to regain the strength we need, in order to work more efficiently and effectively. Because how often, do we practice the self-care we need?
How often do we truly take a break from the things that overwhelm us? I know I don’t do it as much as I should. But here’s the thing—I’m learning that amidst all my roles as a wife, daughter, sister, friend, cousin, and mom, I’m still me. I’m an individual with my own purpose and goals, and to reach them, I need to focus on my well-being. And guess what? So do you. You may juggle many responsibilities, but you’re still a human being with passions and gifts that deserve attention.
Before we dive deeper, let’s tackle a few quick questions:
What does wellness mean to you?
Who and what makes you happy?
What inspires you?
What’s holding you back in life?
What changes can you make to boost your well-being?
Feel free to comment below or jot them down in a journal for reflection. As we go on, you might just find some answers if you haven’t already.
Now, when I searched for “wellness,” Google told me it’s “the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.” We often equate good health with being physically fit, but there’s so much more to it, right? Wellness encompasses multiple dimensions, and since there’s a lot to cover, I’m breaking this down into two parts. Today, we’ll explore four key areas: Physical, Emotional, Social, and Mental wellness.
Looking at these dimensions laid out, it’s clear that wellness is multifaceted. Each aspect can cause a ripple effect, influencing the others. It reminds us that there’s no quick fix to achieving well-being—it takes time, patience, understanding, and listening to our bodies. So, let’s break it down and get a clearer picture of what makes us who we are.
Physical Wellness
Physical Wellness means something different to each of us. Some focus on the mirror, others on the scale, and some listen to their doctors. But at its core, physical wellness is about how we feel in our day-to-day lives. It’s about being able to take a break and feel truly rested. When we allow ourselves that downtime, we’re like ping pong balls—bouncing back with the energy to tackle all those tasks we didn’t realize were draining us.
Appreciating what our bodies can do, recognizing our limits, and striving to be our best selves is key to physical wellness. This isn’t just about what we eat; it’s about what we think, the activities we engage in, and how we challenge ourselves.
And speaking of taking time out, why not embrace the blue skies and sunshine? We all need a break from the four walls of our homes. Stepping outside, feeling the sun on our faces, breathing in the fresh air—it’s refreshing, right? A simple change of scenery, the scent of spring—it all makes a difference, which leads us to the next dimension of wellness.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional wellness is one of life’s trickier aspects, shaped by our experiences and the people around us. No matter how hard we try, the harsh words and opinions of others can linger. Life’s challenges can leave scars we don’t even realize we carry until they hold us back.
Emotional wellness can either turn us into someone we don’t want to be or push us to become greater than before. Remember, it’s okay to feel and think things, but we mustn’t let those feelings restrict our lives. We deserve happiness and freedom—freedom from the negativity that tries to hold us back. So how do we care for our emotional well-being?
Know Your Triggers: Recognizing what sets you off and how you react is crucial. I know my triggers, and I’m working on how I respond to them. It’s not easy, but it’s doable. When that familiar knot forms in your stomach, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you’re stronger than this moment.
Manage Your Stress: Life gets busy—work, family, hobbies, friendships. But it’s essential to address whatever’s disrupting your peace. Whether it’s a relaxing bath, a walk, a book, or talking it out, don’t let stress fester. It’s okay to ask for help; we don’t have to handle everything alone. Let your emotions flow—bottling them up only makes things worse.
Set Boundaries: We’re all guilty of letting our boundaries slide, but once we realize how much they protect our well-being, we’ll be more determined to keep them. Boundaries with friends, family, and colleagues are vital, especially when we feel unappreciated or taken for granted. Protecting your emotional wellness is essential for finding peace.
It’s not always easy, especially when we care so much about others. But firm boundaries help ensure we’re in a better place emotionally, which naturally brings us to our next topic…
Social and Mental Wellness
What does social and Mental wellness, mean to you?
I have put together social and mental wellness, because even though all the attributes I have listed, have a ripple effect, I believe these two, goes well hand in hand. I say that because, society and having that social interaction, whether it’s in person or via technology, influences our mental well-being, more than we know, or more then we express and our mental wellness, also contributes to how we carry ourselves in society.
There’s always that fear about having to fit in; having the right look, the house, money, the career, living up to social media standards or feeling that we’re behind in our lives, because of how far others are or how far we think others are in their lives. But why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we compare our journeys, instead of just walking in the purpose and an assignments, we have been given in life? We tend to try so hard to please other people, that we lose ourselves in the process and it shouldn’t be that way, should it?
We deserve to be and feel free and we all go through experiences that sometimes molds us into the person we are, but can also shape us into the person we never knew we could become and that can be taken in many ways, but what’s more important, is how we feel about whom we are in different situations and circumstances.
When we go through life, there’s a mental strain or a mental block, that is put on us, from the experiences that we travel upon, which we don’t acknowledge unless it’s pointed out, or we don’t realize how it has impacted us, until the discomfort that sits within us, cannot be shifted. But everything that happened, happening around us or about to happen, comes from what we told ourselves or what we tell ourselves.
So, how can we nurture our social and mental wellness?
Forget the Deadlines: There’s no set timeline for achieving your goals or healing from past traumas. Progress comes at its own pace, and that’s perfectly okay.
Heal at Your Own Speed: Healing isn’t about meeting a deadline; it’s about moving forward in a way that suits you. The real achievement is how you grow from these experiences.
Be Yourself: There’s no rule saying you need to change who you are to fit in. Your uniqueness is your strength, even if it’s not always understood. Embrace it!
Whatever journey you’re on, make it a true reflection of who you are. Leave footprints that show your authentic self and touch hearts with your genuine presence.
As someone who deals with anxiety, I get it—sometimes, my overthinking turns my world upside down. I pace, I struggle to sleep, and I worry over decisions. But in the end, everything usually works out. It’s a challenge to calm the mind, but focusing on each moment can make a big difference.
Remember, you’re not alone. There’s always someone who can relate to your story. Don’t be afraid to share your journey; you never know who might need to hear it. Whatever you’re going through, you’re going to be okay. No doubt about it!
We are like precious diamonds, here to make an impact, spread value to others and to shine our lights over the world and in order to shine; we must be well internally, so that glow, can illuminate externally. So find what works for you. Be around those who makes a positive impact, be in places that makes you happy and do things that brings out the best in you.
Reflect, Refocus and Rewrite your story and until part two, take care! xx