I was laying down last night and God’s name came to my head. If you’re following The Heartfelt Studies page, you will see if I’m on a learning curve in Christianity, and there’s still a lot to learn!

If you’re just starting out to, maybe this blog will be good for you. God is a great God, but did you know he has many names? Yes, he does, more than I ever knew!

So lets go and see what they are and who he is!

1. Elohim: God our Creator

The creator of the Heavens and Earth. Everytime I look to the sky and I look around at nature and all the buildings, I am forever amazed, by the beauty we’re surrounded by and how much thought and effort went into the planning and preparation that we are in and yet to look forward to!

Also not just the external creations; but the purpose and assignments God has created within us, is a special task, only he only deserves all the glory for.

Have a read of Genesis Chapter 1, verse 26

2. Adonai: Lord

What an amazing leader we have! A Lord that sits high and watches down low, yet treats us like royalty! Who cares and guides us in the best way possible, who listens and directs us to be the best! That’s a leader, we can never forget.

Have a read Psalms; Chapter 16, verse 2

3. Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord will Provide

This is such a powerful name, to keep seeking. For when everything around us, seems to be falling, God will provide and supply everything we need. God, is always there for us through thick and thin. He never abandons, but continuously teaches, strengthens, sustains and provides for us, even when we can not see it and that it is the wonders of his unfailing and unconditional love.

Have a read of Genesis; Chapter 22, verse 14

4. Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord is my Banner

Wow! Our God, is so caring and empowering. Forever wrapping his arms around us, wanting to free us from any victimization, to being victorious and he turns our brokenness into blessings!

Our God, is one full of promises that he always adheres to and follows through with, as long as we’re willing to be still and be patient, for everything that he knows we need to unfold, according to his timing.

Have a read of Exodus; Chapter 17, verse 15

5. Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord is Peace

This is truly beautiful. How many times do we try to get peace from this world? So many times that it’s impossible to count. But when we count on the peace of God, that type of peace is one, that can never be measured or taken away, no matter what we’re going through.

Have a read of Judges; Chapter 6, Verse 24

6. Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord that heals

When we pray for healing over our friends and family, we initially want all sickness to be removed and which is a beautiful thing to pray for and to have a God that can heal us spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically is a wonderful privilege, that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Have a read of Genesis; Chapter 20, verse 17

7. Jehovah-Shammah: The Lord is There

How amazing is it, to know that we have someone, who will ALWAYS be THERE for US? Through our mistakes, he doesn’t turn away from us, but he stays close, so he can guide us to become better. Going through hard times, allows us to acknowledge that sometimes the seas are rough and we have to sail through it, but even through the continuous rowing, God’s strength and love, will keep us flowing.

Have a read of Ezekiel; Chapter 48, verse 35

8. Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord our Righteousness

God knows our hearts and minds. He is aware of every emotion that runs through our veins. He is aware of every desire that flows through our flesh, yet all he wants from us, is to confess our sins in order to move forward in righteousness. We must always find forgiveness from God, to cleanse away the unholiness that took or takes place within us. We must speak about our errors and trust and believe that God will lead us in the correct way. There will be challenges along the way, but we must put God first in all our doings. He is God and the only one who can be God and his plans, is for us to be; free of burdens, free of pain, free of guilt, shame and sin. It’s not an easy road, but it’s definitely a road, that’s worth travelling upon.

Have a read of Jeremiah; Chapter 23, verse 6

who is God?

God, is Abba (Father), Our Fathers, who created us out of love; so that we may love one another, to spread love and peace around the world. He created us with a purpose, so that we may acknowledge and accept that we are worthy, no matter what life throws at us. God, is; kind, compassionate, merciful and forgiving. He is true to his promises and never fails us, even when we see the world dark. He is a light that will always burn bright, if we trust and believe in him.

So whenever you feel lonely or abandoned, remember God is a great friend, the best confidant and an amazing Father. God, is someone who will never leave nor forsake you.

There you go, these only 8 names (very important names of course) but there are more!

You may find that there are different versions, so if you come across them or if you wish to add some more names, please do share in the comments below.

Lets keep learning together!xx


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