I look up in wonder, of the works of our creator,
And how space and time, intertwine.
The thought and precision, reflects our waymaker,
His graft and his vision, are one of a kind.
I look up in gratitude, of the works of our author,
And how his art, has been beautifully displayed.
His unfathomable love, riveting through in a whisper,
From his tower, to where I lay.
I look up in appreciation, of the works of his fingers,
And how each star, is wonderfully made.
How the colours merge effortlessly and shimmers,
Along with the ethereal glow of the moon, it takes my breath away.
I look up in admiration, of the works of our provider,
And how carefully he planned, such a miracle.
The way he’s sustained such creation, he really is our promise keeper,
To have it any other way, would be incomparable.
I look up in adoration, at the works of our most high,
And I feel blessed, by the view.
And how such formation, can bring a tear to my eye,
Because God’s goodness and grace, shines through and through.
I look up and I feel hope,
I look up and I feel humble.
I look up and I feel loved,
I look up and I’m thankful,
For this beautiful night sky.
Our God is an awesome God who is faithful to the end.
A great piece once again. Keep looking up to the stars, your perseverance and faithfulness will allow you to continue God’s journey in your life. Stay blessed and beautiful.