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Standing on the edge, of life,
Alone, with my soft silent cries.
My heart beat harmonizing, to the sound of the waves,
Obstructing the noise, as the world starts to fade.
The trees sway in the distance, as the breeze hugs my cheeks,
My body feels weak, causing me to fall to my knees.
As I gaze to the beautiful blue sky,
I am bombarded by questions of when and why?
When will it be my time?
Why am I still going in circles?
Hanging onto the feeling, like my path is unknown,
That my purpose is becoming unshown.
With only my thoughts, running around in my own little bubble,
I am trying to navigate myself, out of this trouble.
The trouble of uncertainty, the trouble of worry,
Still I know in my heart, this is a place of transitioning for me.
Questioning who I am and where I’m supposed to go,
But I understand that; it is in time, with time, that I will grow.
In the wilderness,
Is where I will find myself.
To get me to the place, that’s waiting for me,
So, in the meantime, I will let go and let God, lead me, to where I’m ought to be..