If you’re new to the Gospel and looking for direction, come along with me. Let’s take it from the start (more or less) and learn about the Ten Commandments.

As a child, there are always some rules that our parents put in place for us (whether we always listened, that’s another story) but then as we grow older, we kind of reflect back and realize that they were there for a good reason right?

We may not have liked them or appreciated them at the time, but as we go through experiences and life, we come to understand the importance of them. We still may not be obedient to these rules (because we can be stubborn right?) but God wants us to try, he wants us to be the best he knows we can be and we can only do that by taking time to seek him.

God places the ten commandments (which are principles that are important and fundamental in Christianity) in Jesus’s hand, to show us what it means to be obedient and what it takes, to follow the rules and the outcomes that could arise when we listen and when we don’t.

Life happens and it affects us in different ways and then rules go out the window, but Jesus is a beautiful reflection of; obedience (in overcoming the temptation of the flesh), wisdom (in becoming so wise and courageous from a young age, to fulfilliu God’s plans for him), peace (he sacrificed is life, so that we can live a life of peace) and love (the love for his father, being the centre of all things).

So lets find out what the ten commandments are.

1. You shall have no other gods before Me

Exodus Chapter 20, verse 1-3: God has to be and deserves to be, priority in our lives. He is the only one that can forgive and cleanse us, of our pain and bondage. He is the only one that can make a way, when we are unable to see another way. He is a merciful and a compassionate God.

2. You shall make no idols

Exodus Chapter 20, verses 4-6: We all have an artist that we adore, but God should be the only one, we serve. God can be jealous (yes that’s right, how can he not be?) He is the author and finisher of our lives, and what he does for us, can not be compared to anyone else. So why should we bow down to others who may only bring a temporary change (and do not know us, like God knows us), when God can make all things permanent?

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God, in vain

Exodus Chapter 20, verse 7: We have all been there, where we have said the Lord’s name in vain at some point in our lives. There’s the most common one “Oh my God” However, taking his name and placing it, into situations where it’s not meant, can upset God. How? Because we are using his name and claiming him with our mouths, yet not all of us, actually believe in him, so our hearts are not entirely in the right place.

4. Keep the sabbath day Holy

Exodus Chapter 20, verses 8-11 God put so much time, effort and love into creating the Heavens and the Earth within six days, so on the seventh day he rested. He just reminds us that we can go through so much in the week (we may not even thank him for carrying us through) but we should always appreciate him, respect his grace and ourselves and just take time out to worship and show our gratitude, for all that he has done, doing and yet to do in our lives.

5. Honor your Father and your Mother

Exodus Chapter 20, verse 12: We learn in life that sometimes families do not get along, families break and fall apart, but God wants us to honor our parents. Fathers and Mothers (may not be the biological ones we hope for) but step parents, foster parents, carers are just an important, powerful and beautiful blessings in our lives. God wants us to appreciate and admire them. Let them know how much they mean to us, because how often do we lose a parent and think what if?

6. You shall not murder

Exodus Chapter 20, verse 13: It is so sad to see, so many people losing their lives to all sorts of crimes, but this is not want God wants. He wants us to love, to laugh and to live. He wants us to live peacefully, so I pray that his mercy, will become a blanket of comfort to the hearts and minds of those, of who need him, in their time of confliction.

7. You shall not commit adultery

Exodus Chapter 20, verse 14: On Earth, there is always the battle of the flesh, which can lead us to making decisions, we know are not right. We therefore seek love or lust in other people, whom we shouldn’t give ourselves to. God wants us to seek him first when those emotions run high, so that we can avoid causing such hurt and distrust in relationships. God is faithful and loyal to us and he wants us to carry the same spirit and mindset, when we make a covenant with a spouse.

8. You shall not steal

Exodus Chapter 20, verse 15: It’s beautiful to see that dreams of a stable lifestyle is on the rise, but what’s painful is the depths that same of us, have to go through, in order to achieve this image. Is it not better, to feel happy that we have worked hard for something that we can appreciate always, instead of taking something and knowing that it could get destroyed within seconds, due to that decision? God wants us to respect and value the things of the Earth, for those treasures in Heaven have a different worth.

9. you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

Exodus Chapter 20, verse 16: Community is everything and we build a community by listening, caring and understanding one another. There will be disagreements yes, but that doesn’t mean, we need to accuse our neighbors of wrong doings, when they have not done the crime/spread rumours. This commandment is about protecting people from harm, due to untrue information and accusations.

10. you shall not covet your neighbor’s house

Exodus Chapter 20, verse 17: Covet means to have to feel a desire for someone else, who does not belong to us. We are human beings and sometimes our hearts and minds, do not align with God’s way, but this commandment is to remind us of the importance of having the right spirit. The Holy Spirit within in us, will speak loudly when we start to wonder off track and this is something we need to listen to. The flesh can cause us to become disobedient and desire can lead to situations that we are not meant to be, but with the mercy of God, he can safeguard us, when we understand that what he wants for us, is healthier, than what/who we think we need.


Reading the Ten Commandments, made me emotional because, I know throughout my lifetime; I have fallen short of God’s glory, but he still loves me. I have stumbled but he’s picked me up. I have swum away, but he’s rescued me and I have let him down a few times and yet he has forgiven me.

We are not perfect but God doesn’t want us to feel defeated. Despite the challenges we had to face and will face, despite the errors we have made, through Jesus Christ; we can be changed, renewed and restored. We can be used for God’s glory, no matter how many times we’ve stumbled along the way.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen xx


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