Heavenly Father, as I come before you today. I thank you for the person reading this right now. I pray that whatever their needs may be, that you provide for them. May you keep them under your protection, may you keep them under your love and care. May the opportunities that they need, arrive in your perfect timing and Heavenly Father, grant them patience whilst they wait for your plans to unfold over their lives, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 9.

God's promise to Noah

Genesis chapter 9, verse 1:

We've seen how God has blessed Noah throughout the flood and again, we're seeing how God's grace, shines over Noah and his family. When we think about this verse, we're seeing God starting again, what he previously began with Adam. Humanity has become a friend again, as God wants Noah and his sons to serve their individual purposes (reproducing), so that earth, can have more life. (Which is different, to what was first mentioned in Genesis 8:17).

Genesis chapter 9, verses 2-3:

How powerful must a child of God be, in order for animals to be scared of them? God gives this power and authority to Noah and doing so, causes every kind of living animal to fear him. This shows us how humanity reigns over the animal kingdom and it also shows us that God's commands refers to “moving creatures” which may imply that any animal that have died, is not acceptable to consume.

When God makes a covenant, he keeps his word, because he's a faithful and loving God. He makes a way for Noah, by providing everything he needs. (From the green plants and vegetables, to the animals being his source of food).

Genesis chapter 9, verses 4-5:

God commands Noah to ONLY eat the meat of the animal but not it's blood. We see that God refers to the blood of an animal as its life. We start to get an understanding, of how God sees humanity after the flood.

Before the flood and at the start of Genesis, we read how Cain killed his brother Abel. However God only put a curse on Cain, allowing him to live his life. However, after God begins life on Earth again, he warns that anyone who takes a life, whether an animal or another human, will also lose their life.

God shows us, that no one has the right or the authority, to take an innocent life and if they do, at some stage their will be reprecussions.

Genesis chapter 9, verses 6-7:

God is merciful, he is of peace and love. He created this world out of the goodness of his heart. He was thoughtful and considerate, in his planning. God created humans, so we can walk righteously, morally and spiritually, just as he is.

God cherishes human lives and will not tolerate the hand of man or animal, who decides to take it away from another human and therefore their actions will be taken into account.

As for Noah and his sons, God blesses them with the gift; that they are able to reproduce more children. This is beautiful; because God is giving humanity another chance, to be populated and to be more abundant in life.

Genesis chapter 9, verses 8-11:

God establishes his covenant with Noah and his sons, declaring that their children yet to come and all the different kinds of animals in their presence will not come against any reprecussions such as a flood, that once came to wipe and restore humanity.

Previously the covenant was made just with Noah for his obedience, but now, this promise extends out further. What's amazing here, is the covenant that God establishes with the animals, in which he lists specially.

God's love is unfailing and so sacred. He shows his care for the animals he has created and for humanity, despite what happened before the flood.

God reminds us, that as long as we have a covenant with him, all will work according to the plans, he has for our lives.

Genesis chapter 9, verses 12-15:

Rainbows are so beautiful aren't they?

When I see a rainbow, it feels me with so much wonder. How the colours are so vibrant and how are they formed so perfectly? Where does it start and end? But most of all, it fills me with hope and gratitude, to know there is light after darkness falls. There is peace after the storm.

God’s promise to never destroy humanity again, with a global flood, shows us that God really wants peace, order and unity on Earth.

So the fact that God establishes his covenant with Noah, using a symbol of a rainbow, is truly wonderful. It reflects that no matter what Noah, his sons, even the animals and the future generations are to go through, when they see a rainbow, they are to be reminded that God is and will always be with them.

Isn't that so uplifting and heartwarming?

Genesis chapter 9, verses 16-17:

It's amazing to see that God uses the rainbow as a reminder to himself to remember his covenant between himself and all living things on Earth.

It just goes to show, that God's heart is so pure and so kind, that he will do everything in his power to fulfill his everlasting covenant. This covenant is not based on the ways and behaviours of the animals or humanity, but God's reassurance that he will always be close to us, whenever we need him and that he will always adhere to his promise.

Genesis chapter 9, verses 18-20:

Here we start to see the lineage of Noah unfold. As we know, Noah has three sons, named ‭Shem, Ham and Japheth.

We see that it is Ham (the youngest), who would become the father of Canaan (Tribe of Israel). However, it's amazing to know that the Earth, becomes populated with generations and generations, through these three men, alongside the first man to be created Adam.

Genesis chapter 9, verses 21-23:

Throughout Genesis, Noah has had a few titles (even if it's not official) Noah was like a builder (constructing the Ark). Also an animal carer (tending and watching over the animals on the Ark and after). Now Noah adds farming to his resume, doing so, by preparing and using the crops to plant a vineyard.

This is the first time, that we see that Noah kind of lets his guard down, as he gets drunk on the wine, leaving him naked in his tent.

Noah drinks too much leaving him unassertive and vulnerable. We see that his son Ham does not help him, which shows disrespect and dishonour, considering the state in which he found his Father in.

Instead Ham, calls his brothers Shem and Japheth and here we can see the change in attitude and mindet. Both brothers find a way, to cover up Noah without looking at him, which shows a sign of respect and honour for their Father.

When reading these verses, it shows us the dangers in which too much alcohol can cause. If not controlled, it can leave us unaware of our surroundings and leave us in a fragile state. It also shows us that the people we have around us is very important. However, it is also reminds us, that no-one, not even Noah is perfect.

Genesis chapter 9, verses 24-27:

Noah wakes from his drunken state and realises what Ham had done (not helping in his time of need or could it be that Ham was mocking by telling his brothers). Either way, it brings so much upset to Noah, causing him to curse Canaan (Ham's son) and the descendants yet to come.

Noah blesses Ham's brothers. He curses that Canaan will be a servant to “The God” of Shem. He also blesses Japheth, praying that God enlarges his land and that Canaan, will also be his servant.

What's powerful here, is that God gives Noah authority to grant the blessings upon his sons but also the affliction upon Ham’s descendents.

God reminds us, that whoever he blesses, they can be a blessing unto others.

Genesis chapter 9, verses 28-29:

When God promises to never leave nor forsake us, he really means it and we can see this unconditional love and beautiful promise through Noah.

God kept Noah, through so many trials he had to face on Earth and his grace covered Noah every day.

Noah was blessed to live three hundred and fifty years after the flood, but lived and loved, until he was nine hundred and fifty years, before he left the Earth, to be with God..


I can’t believe, we have come to the end of Chapter 9! It reminds me; how precious our lives are. We shouldn't take anything or anyone for granted, because one day we can have it and the next it can be gone. God constantly shows us that humanity should be full of love and caring for one another. The world needs kindness, gratitude and healing.

Life shouldn't be taken away by the hands of anyone, which is what we are seeing in this world today and is not something God wants or accepts, so in time we have to stay open, that God will come and make changes to get humanity back in order.

If you have anything to share with me, then let me know in the comments.

Catch you back here soon Xx


