Genesis Chapter 4

Heavenly Father, I pray for my brothers and sisters reading this right now. I pray that the purpose you have placed within them, continues to shine through in every chapter of their lives. May they realise that they are blessed, because of the gifts, talents and assignments you have given them. If they are unable to see their worth and values right now, I pray you continue to work on them and surround them in your light of love, in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 4.


Genesis Chapter 4, verses 1- 2

So these two verses are so important, as we are introduced to the first children of Eden. Adam knew his wife and then conceived two sons. One called Cain and the other called Abel.

We see that Abel, was the keeper of the sheeps, meaning: He is entrusted to tend, look after and guard the flocks of sheeps and goats.

Cain was the Tiller of the ground, meaning: He is the one, would prepare the soil for planting of the crops.

Two boys, whom God has blessed her with and two boys, with different purposes.


Genesis Chapter 4, verses 3- 5

Here, we start to learn about offerings. An offering is a gift, given to God, to show gratitude and as Cain and Abel grow into their occupations, this is what they do.

We see that Cain's offering to God, is fruit from the ground and Abel's offering is the finest and freshest firstborn of his flock.

God respects and appreciates Abel's offering but was not happy and did not accept Cain's offering.


Genesis Chapter 4, verses 6- 8

As we read above, God rejects Cain’s offering. But why? It is not entirely clear on what the offerings should be, the requirements or the standards they should be, but the rejection, causes Cain to be become frustrated and angry. However, God gives Cain a chance to explain his emotions, because he wants to know why he has become so angry.

However, we also see that God loves his children and he cares, because he mentions to Cain, that if he chooses an offering that is shows faith, given with pure intentions, then it will be accepted. God, is kind and always provides opportunities for his children to do and be better.

We also learn that if Cain does not want to live a life pleasing to God, then sin will be at his doorstep waiting to attack. God warns Cain, that if he follows instructions and obeys the word of God, all will be okay but he must learn to be patient and he must learn to give wholeheartedly.

However, after talking to his brother about what God told him, unfortunately, we read that Cain's anger and frustration gets the better of him, which causes him to attack and kill his own brother Abel.

So we see how Cain's emotions, gets in the way. His thoughts and his heart was not of God, which causes him, to go down a dark road.


Genesis Chapter 4, verses 9-12

Such tragedy upon the first children of Eden, causing God to be in despair. He asks Cain what has happened and Cain denies, that he doesn't know where Abel is. He says “am I not my Brother's keeper?” Cain's attitude, shows disregard for loyalty and family.

However, God knows all, sees all, feels all and what's so emotional here, is that God can hear Cain's voice crying out to him. His innocent blood reaps through the ground, pleading for justice.

Therefore, there are consequence for Cain. God curses the ground and every harvest that should spout, will not do so. Cain is now an outcast, with no home, family or friends and a fugitive.


Genesis Chapter 4, verses 13-15

If you've ever been on the presence of God, there's something about his absence that is heartbreaking

From being banished from his land, his livelihood being taken away and being removed from God's presence. Although he complains about not bearing to handle his punishment, Cain accepts it. He is not filled with any remorse, repentance, just fear, because he knows that he needs God to survive.

He is scared that whoever will see him, will kill him, but God protects Cain, despite of what he has done. He marks him and this mark will protect him from his enemies and whoever tries to harm him, will receive punishment seven times worse (sevenfold vengeance), by God.

Again, we see how God extends his mercy onto Cain.


Genesis Chapter 4, verses 16-18

Cain departs from God and settles down in the East of Eden, in the land of Nod.

He knows his wife (when the bible mentions knows- it refers that you should know the person, you are having relations with) although there is no mention of where his wife came from (we already know that Adam and Eve were first in the garden of Eden, therefore could this be another child of theirs..)

His wife, conceives and gives birth to a baby boy, who is named Enoch. In which, Cain builds a city and also names it Enoch, after his son.


Genesis Chapter 4, verses 19-22

Life in the East of Eden continues, we are now seeing children born and generations unfolding. Enoch has a son called Irad. Irad becomes the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael becomes the father of Methushael, and Methushael becomes the father of Lamech.

Lamech has himself two wives; one named Adah, and the other named Zillah.

Adah gives birth to a boy named, Jabal and he becomes the father of the the nomadic herdsmen (they are migrants who live in tents and have cattle and raise livestock. His brother’s name is Jubal; he becomes the father of all those who play the lyre and flute (Musicians).

Zillah gives birth to Tubal-Cain, who is craftsman and teacher of every artisan in instruments of bronze and iron. Zillah also gives birth to a girl, who is the sister of Tubal-Cain, and she is named Naamah.

Wow, how beautiful and precious is life!


Genesis Chapter 4, verses 23-24

In these verses, Lamech informs both of his wives that he has killed a man for merely wounding him and a boy for striking him. When he talks about his crimes, it doesn't like he is remorseful, who h seems to follow the same attitude as Cain.

Lamech seems to be aware of the incident between Cain and Abel, because he mentions the mark that was put on Cain, shall also be upon him. However, we have not see that God has granted this protection over Lamech, so we will have to keep enllan eye on this storyline to see how this unfolds.

Genesis Chapter 4, verses 25- 26

Adam knows his wife again and she conceives and gives birth to a baby boy. We see the gratitude and the faith that radiates from Eve, as she declares that God, has granted her another Son, for the one she had unfortunately lost.

They call their son Seth. In Hebrew Seth means 'appointed/placed'. He was definitely appointed by God at the time, he knew was best for Adam and Eve.

As time passed, Seth also has a son and names him Enosh (which means mortal man/mankind). At the same time of his arrival, men began to call on the Lord, through worship, praise, prayer and thanksgiving. This shows us how the people were dependent and faithful to God, for all that he is has done, doing and yet to do and they weren't afraid or shamed to declare this publicly.


Wow, chapter 4 has been a real eye opener. It has touched me and blessed me to know that God is so so merciful. We can be far from him, yet he gives us chances to come back and redeem ourselves. He may separate us from the things we desire or think we want, to show us that everything we need, is in his hands, if we trust and believe in him.

If there's anything I have missed on Chapter 4, please let me know in the comments below.

Catch you back here soon Xx


Genesis Chapter 5


Genesis Chapter 3