Genesis Chapter 11

Heavenly Father, as I come before you today. I thank you for my brothers and sisters, reading this right now. I pray that the words they speak be full of life and wisdom. May everything that is spoken empowers and motivates someone around them. Heavenly Father, may their language be an inspiration and may it be an ear opener. Different languages is a beautiful thing to come across, so may the person that you have blessed with mother tongues, be proud of who they and where they come from, in the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!

Welcome back Brothers and Sisters, to The Heartfelt Studies. I hope you're doing well. Here's to a new week and a new chapter, so lets jump into Genesis Chapter 11.

Universal Language

‭‭Genesis‬ Chapter ‭11, verses 1‭-‬4‬:

Imagine everyone speaking in one language? It'll be so different, because we're in a world of diverse cultures.

In this verse we read that the people spoke one language and used the same vocabulary and together as one nation. This might be a sigh of relief for some, but it's a massive change for others.

In Chapter 10, we learnt about the different tribes, nations and languages and now we learn that the people migrate to the land of Shinar (Babylonia) where they settle.

Here we see that the people, have structural ideas in place and are required to work together in order to build it, so we see the specific materials that are needed for this to come together, such as; bricks for stone and tar (bitumen/asphalt) for mortar. (Mortar is a mixture of cement and sand).

The people came together to build their own tower, in their own city and it was so tall, they describe it, as reaching the heavens. They also had the idea of giving themselves a famous name, so that this can resemble the people being as one.

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 5-7:

Here, “God comes down” to see the work that the Sons of Men had built. As we are aware God is everywhere and does not need to come down from anywhere to see what is being down on Earth. So this reflects that God’s statement, is due to the fact, that the Sons of Men, declared their tower to “reach the heavens” therefore meaning, God had to come down from being at the top.

However, God acknowledges the efforts and hard-work, that the Sons of Men put in together (as one nation, as one community), to build their city (without God’s help). We read that because the Sons of Men built such a building, they believe that nothing bad can come against them, but God reminds us that we all have gifts and talents and how we use them in very important.

Therefore, God (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) respectfully goes down to Earth, to divide the people. Dividing the people, will allow different languages and cultures to come to light. The diversity in the different languages, will cause a slight barrier in communication and understanding of one another, which will be a test of patience and faith in one another and in humanity.

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 8-9:

After dividing the people of the Earth and scattering them over many cities, God saw that the people stopped building their own cities. This shows us that humanity could not cooperate in the way they used to, when they were working as one and with one language. As God intervened, we see the people are confused and not sure how to act, with what God has put into place, as they take place, in the city of Babel.

When people feel their ways are best or that they are inferior to God, the things that once worked, become void or confusing as God shows us, when he divided people across the Earth.

Descendants of Shem

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 10-11:

As we go into this section of Genesis Chapter 11, we are given the generational record of Shem and the timeframe of genealogical events.

Two years after the flood, Shem was a hundred years old when he became the father of Arpachshad.

And Shem was five hundred years old, when he had other sons and daughters, giving Shem six hundred years on Earth.

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 12-15:

‭‭Arpachshad (Shem’s son) was thirty-five years old, when he became the father of Shelah and Arpachshad was four hundred and three years, when he had other sons and daughters, giving Arpachshad four hundred and thirty eight years on Earth.

Shelah (Arpachshad’s son) was thirty years old, when he became the father of Eber and was four hundred and three years old, when he had other sons and daughters, giving Shelah four hundred and thirty three years on Earth.

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 16-19:

‭‭Eber (Shelah’s son) was thirty-four years old, when he became the father of Peleg and Eber was four hundred and thirty years old, when he had other sons and daughters, giving Eber four hundred and sixty four years on Earth.

Peleg (Eber’s son) was thirty years old, when he became the father of Reu and Peleg was two hundred and nine years old, when he had other sons and daughters, giving Peleg two hundred and thirty nine years on Earth.

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 20-23:

Reu (Peleg’s son) was thirty-two years old, when he became the father of Serug and Reu was two hundred and seven years old, when he had other sons and daughters, giving Reu two hundred and thirty nine years on Earth.

Serug (Reu’s son) was thirty years old, when he became the father of Nahor and Serug was two hundred years old, when he had other sons and daughters, giving Serug two hundred and thirty years on Earth.

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 24-26:

‭‭Nahor (Serug’s son) was twenty-nine years old, when he became the father of Terah and Nahor was a hundred and nineteen years old, when he had other sons and daughters, giving Nahor a hundred and thirty eight years on Earth.

Terah (Nahor’s son) was seventy years old, when he became the father of Abram, Nahor and Haran (his firstborn).

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 27-30:

So we just reviewed the records of Shem and now we get to see the records, of the descendants of Terah.

Terah was the father of Abram (Abraham), Nahor, and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.

Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his birth (Ur of the Chaldeans).

Abram and Nahor took wives for themselves. The name of Abram’s wife was Sarai (later called Sarah), and the name of Nahor’s wife was Milcah.

However, Sarai was barren (she did not have a child).

Sometimes God allows certain paths to unfold, to remind us that when we allow God to be close to us, then who he is and what he can do for us, will also be made clearer. Over those verses, we see how the humanity lifespan changes, but through it all, God remained the same. He is a God of his word and his word came to light, when Noah's descendants became fruitful and multiplied the Earth. The power of God's mercy and grace, is amazing.

Genesis Chapter 11, verses 31-32:


I can’t believe, we have come to the end of Chapter 11! It reminds me; that life is very very special and it should be cherished every day. We never know how long we have on Earth, but we should make every moment count, with God at the centre of love and life.

We are all unique and we all a purpose to fulfil, but if we can help and empower one another through the words we speak, then we are on the way to making the world just a little bit better.

God is love and he loves us dearly, so whatever we can do for his glory, lets make it beautiful.

If you have anything to share with me, then let me know in the comments.

Catch you back here soon Xx


Genesis Chapter 12


Genesis Chapter 10