With Love

Sitting here, looking at the blue sky;

With the green grass, tickling my feet,

The warm sun, kissing my cheeks.

The cool breeze, hugging my waist,

A smile appears on my face, and butterflies fill my stomach.

When I think about the love, I have in my life,

It feels so beautiful and it feels so amazing, to have my heart full.

Full to the brim of kindness, understanding and elevation,

Sprinkled with gratitude and appreciation.

For those whom, I have; from family, to friends and to those I am yet to meet,

The taste of a community, is honeycombed sweet.

For each individual, brings something special when in my presence,

And I hope I bring that feeling too.

Because love is beautiful, love is bold, love is painful and love is an adventure,

There's so many twists and turns, highs and lows.

Love is a healer and a renovator, wherever I go;

I feel love in the cuddles I receive,

To the heart warming messages of encouragement.

I see the love, twinkling in the eyes that look back at me,

To the first love, that covered me from God.

I hear love, spoken most silently and harmoniously.

I touch love, through the words I write, from the depths of my heart onto paper.

I smell love, from the beautiful essences, that surround me.

Love is not always red roses, but sometimes the thorns,

But I've learnt to be grateful for what I have, instead of being hurt, by what I no longer deserve.

For love has given me strength and courage, to love again,

Love has given me a family, I have always dreamt to have.

Love has shown me, what's right and what's wrong,

Love has blessed me unconditionally.

Love is Eros, Philia, Storge and Agape,

I am love, I am surrounded by love and love is within me.




Faith, Focus and Fulfillment