A galaxy filled with different individuals, a variety of goals and ambition,

The world should be composed on elevating one another and not full of competition.

For we are all aiming, for a positive pathway in our lives,

Despite the mishaps, the downfalls and the strife.

So why do we compare ourselves, when we've been designed our own beautiful lane?

One that's unique and meaningful to us individually, because our futures are not set up to be the same.

The assignment we have within us, is created to empower,

That one special quality, we each have, is required to uplift one another.

We need to walk beside each other, to learn and to guide,

Drive towards bringing people out of their shells, and not putting them down, causing them to hide.

Lets believe in the impossible, because there are always possibilities and opportunities,

Because, we all have the potential to fulfill, our passions and purposes.

Life, will always get in the way and will try to bring us something, that will block our blessings,

But we have to remember; that change and growth, comes from those lessons.

No matter what comes our way, we must keep our heads high and one foot in front of the other,

So lets live the dreams, we are dreaming.

For all that greatness, belongs to each and every one of us.


