This Is Me

As I stand out in the rain,

I see the stars, twinkling amongst the darkness, holding it's purpose, with effect.

I feel the wind, wrapping itself around my body, giving me, such a breathtaking embrace.

I feel the rain drops, moisturising my skin, with peace and clarity.

I hear the echoes of footsteps, that past me by, in a hurry.

Every experience and journey, that I have taken through life, rushes back at me,

So fast, it tries to knock me, off my feet.

It tries to put me down and disturb my spirit of joy,

It tries to remind me of the person, I used to be;

The memories of those I love passing before my eyes,

The visions of the bullies, verbally putting me down.

Every invisible mark on my body, where unloved fingers touched me.

As I stand in this rain, the reign of forgiveness washes over me and that girl long ago, is no longer me.

She has turned away from the bullies and the men, because the naivety, the shame and the disappointments got the best of her and now she knows now, every emotion put on her, were not deserving of her.

The pieces they took, no longer exists, in this world she has now rebuilt.

As she look to the heavens, she smiles in steadiness and says " Thank you Jesus, for saving me, for turning my life around"

For putting my heart back together, after the broken promises, that took its place upon me.

For giving me strength to fight, every pain, that tried to rewrite my story.

For making a way for my presence, when I didn't feel worthy.

For loving me unconditionally, when I forgot what true love was.

For forgiving me, when I didn't listen to your will and your ways.

I thank you, because your faithfulness and grace, saved me.

I am not whole, because you're still working on me, but everything I do, I do wholeheartedly.

For I know where I came from and I know where I am heading,

Travelling along with you Jesus by my side and with the word of God, in my heart, there's no place, I'd rather be.

This is who I am meant to be. This is me....


From The Chrysalis To The Butterfly